Chapter 28: Tears

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Leah's POV

When we arrived at our spot, close to school. I turned to T, expecting a goodbye kiss and an 'I love you'. But she didn't even look at me.

I reached for her face, but she pushed my hands away. "Baby, what's wrong?" I asked soft. She looked away, obviously not wanting to talk. I sighed deep. "Please, talk to me soon." I said and got out of the car.

I watched T drive away, I waved but she didn't wave back.

I walked to school, being sad because my relationship wasn't going well and I didn't even know why. Yesterday morning everything was great, and during math... Everything was wrong.

Something must've happened between those moments... But what?

Once I arrived at school, I saw my friends and Cam. They were talking about Cam's birthday party. They were really excited but I wasn't thinking about that, not even a little.

"Hey love." Cam said, wrapping her arms around my waist.

I looked at her and showed her a small smile, it's her birthday after all. "Hey Cam, happy birthday." I said and kissed her cheek.

"Thanks love, I'm happy you're here." she said and smiled.

"We can't wait for your party, Cam." some random girls said as they walked past us.

"Yeah, me neither." she said to them and smiled at them. It's moments like this that I could see how many chances she had in getting a new girlfriend. She was so popular with other girls, why does she stick with me? And I'm not even available anymore. Although I'm starting to wonder about that... T's behavior is really starting to piss me of.

Cam looked at me and it's like she immediately caught on that something was wrong. "Hey, love, what's wrong?"

I shrugged, wanting to leave it at that, but I couldn't help to burst out in tears.

"Hey, hey." Cam said and pulled me close to her. I hugged her tight, burying my face into her chest. I missed having someone holding me like this. T hadn't been romantic or friendly with me since yesterday morning. It maybe isn't a long time for some people, but to me it was. We were inseparable normally. "What's wrong, my love?" she asked, caressing my face.

I sniffled and looked at her face, I couldn't tell her, how much I wanted to, I couldn't. "N-nothing really."

She huffed. "Anything that makes you upset is something important." she said as she pulled me closer again. "Tell me what's wrong?" she asked as she looked me deep in the eyes. And looking at her like that, I actually could get lost in her eyes. She was so caring and so sweet to me...

"What's going on here?"

I looked up and to my surprise, I saw the one that caused these tears... T...

I gulped, I didn't dare to look at her, not say anything. But Cam didn't had a single problem talking to her. "Well, my love here is upset, I'm taking care of her. Is that wrong, Miss?"

I felt T's stare on me, but I didn't look up. I knew she was pissed, she was jealous, certainly when I was near Cam and now she saw me in Cam's arms.

"No, not at all. Make sure your love is alright." she said and left.

Hearing her say that made me cry even more. Why would she say that? What did I do wrong? I started crying again and Cam held me again, kissing my head sometimes.


During Math, I had expected a death stare again, an unexpected test... And I was right.

T entered the classroom and sat down. She took some papers and went around class. "This is a test, it's an important one, so don't screw it up. It's because a lot of you have failed the exercises, so you can make up. I hope you all studied." she said as she practically threw me my paper. "If not," she said, looking at me. "You'll fail."

I gulped, I was getting nervous. I looked at the test. It wasn't a big one, so maybe I'd knew some things. I started at the first question and took my time. I started working on the exercise and it seemed like I finally knew how to do it.

Second, third and fourth question went all great too. I was so happy about it, I reread everything and couldn't be happier about my test. I handed it in and left.

What was I supposed to do now? I normally met up with T... I took my phone and sent her a text: 'Hey baby, I don't know what to do now, where do I see you?'.

I sat down at a bench outside school, I waited for a reply but I never got it. When it was time to go, I decided to got to the spot and there she was, waiting for me.

I entered the car and put my backpack at the back. I fastened my seat belt and looked at her. "Haven't you got my text?"

She started the engine and started driving home.

"T, talk to me."

She ignored me.

When we arrived at home, we once again got dressed in pajamas and got downstairs. She started grading the tests while I made my homework, it was Math homework this time.

Although I didn't look up, I felt T's gaze on me. She's probably checking if I can do the homework. But I feel like I can do math better now. I was so happy about that test.

After awhile, T cleared her throat, making me look at her. She looked me in the eyes and shook her head no. She shove a paper to me.

I took it and my jaw dropped, tears in my eyes. It was my test, but I failed... Again... I sniffled and looked at her. "I... I thought I did well." I said and started crying more.

She took the test back and shook her head no, but she didn't try to comfort me, she just continued marking her tests.

I stood up and walked to her side, I wanted a hug. I extended my arms for a hug, but T ignored it. She kept marking tests. "T... Hug..."

She groaned. "Why don't you go to Cam? I'm sure she'd like to comfort her love!"

I cried more. "N-no, I-I want y-you."

"You sure? Because you didn't seem to protest this morning when she pulled you into her!"

I cried more and ran upstairs, I was to sad to listen to whatever she had to say.

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