Leah's POV
After that class, I was actually dreading to go home. T was so... mean... I don't know how to explain it. But she certainly isn't like her usual self.
I went to our spot, and there she was, waiting for me in her car. At least she still does that!, I thought.
I walked to her car and got in. T didn't even look at me, she just stared in front of her, at nothing in particular.
I put my backpack at the backseat and looked at her. "T, what's wr - "
She put her hand in my face, to stop me from talking.
I took her hand in mine and scooted closer. "What's wrong, baby?"
She looked away, she obviously didn't want to talk. And I wasn't going to push her to talk.
"Let's go home." I said and released her hand.
T started the car and we drove home. Once we arrived, T parked the car in the garage and went inside our house, not even waiting for me.
I sighed, took my backpack and followed after her. I saw her getting upstairs, probably to change out of her work clothes. Both me and T had the habit of changing into pajamas when we'd come home from school. We thought it was more comfortable than just clothes.
I followed after her. And I was right, I saw her getting in her pajamas. I followed her example and did the same.
When we were both ready, we got downstairs again. T sat at the table, just as I was. I was making homework while she was grading, probably the exercises from before.
I was busy with science homework when T sighed deep. I looked at her, she was burying her face in her hands while looking at the exercises.
"What's wrong?"
She looked at me for a brief moment but didn't answer, instead she shoved the page to me. I looked and saw the exercises from some boy. She had marked a lot, he had almost everything wrong. "Wow."
"Yep." she said, taking it back. "Almost as bad as you."
I looked shocked at her statement. How dare she? "I'm really trying, and you know that."
She huffed, but didn't look up at me. She kept grading the rest of the exercises while I continued my homework.
Around 5.30 pm, she got up and started making dinner for the both of us, like she did every evening. I finished up my homework and put everything away, including everything I needed for tomorrow. I put my backpack at the side and went to the kitchen.
"It smells amazing in here." I said, hugging her from behind.
She walked out of my arms and continued cooking. She set the table and started plating. We sat down and started eating. T looked down, while I looked at her, wondering what was wrong with her. She was never like this, so I don't know what's up.
During dinner, no words were said between us two. We just ate in silence.
When dinner was over, we went to the couch. T sat down and looked tv, while I layed down and was on my laptop. My feet were on top of her lap, usually she'd hold them, but today she didn't.
I sighed but decided to not say anything about it. I went online and talked to that girl again. I told her about the problems I had with T, hoping she could help me. She listened and gave me advise, which I was thankful for.
When it was time for bed, we went upstairs and to our room. We both layed down. T turned around, her back towards me, she turned off the lights without even looking at me.
I looked around and gulped. I tapped T a few times on her shoulder, she'd move away every time I did it. "T, i-it's dark."
T didn't move, she stayed like she was, her back towards me.
I sniffled. "T, p-please."
She still didn't turn around.
I sniffled but turned around too, knowing T was stubborn, she wasn't going to listen to me now. I scooted as close to her as I could with my back, so I'd know I was safe.
I kept my eyes close, trying to think of good happy things, but all I could come up was creepy stuff. I felt like I was being watched. Like someone was in my room. I quickly opened my eyes and looked around in the darkness, I saw nothing, of course. But every time I'd see something dark, I thought it was someone, when it obviously wasn't.
I turned back around. I tapped T's shoulder again. "T..." I said, tapping her rapidly. "T, please." I said, sniffling.
I heard her sigh. She turned around to look at me.
I sniffled and without thinking or saying anything, I scooted closer to her, finally feeling safe in her arms.
The next morning, I woke up, still in T's arms. I smiled and nuzzled in her chest, I loved laying here, close to her.
But I couldn't enjoy long, suddenly the alarm went of and I felt T moving to turn it off. She lets go of me and got up.
I looked at her, I craved for her kisses, I hadn't had a kiss in like 24 hours...
"Good morning, baby." I said soft, trying to sound happy.
She didn't say anything. Instead, she went to the bathroom. I followed after her, I saw her getting in the shower. I got out of my pajamas and got in the shower too.
When T saw me, she just ignored me and continued showering. I however, couldn't ignore her and hugged her. I loved being close to her, feeling her skin against mine.
She didn't push me away, but she also didn't welcome me either. She just acted as if I wasn't there, as if she didn't saw or felt me.
We continued our morning rituals: got dressed, did our hair, had breakfast, brushed our teeth, prepared our lunch and left for another day of school.

You're mine
Storie d'amoreLeah's just a girl like another: hanging out with friends, experiencing love, having family fights and love... But what happens when her perfect world isn't that perfect anymore? And what about this teacher that always tries to help...?