Leah's POV
The next morning, I was dreading to go to school. I didn't want to see T, the thought of seeing her made me blush immediately...
Even if I didn't want to, I had to... Unfortunately... As always I got ready quick, got to Cam's house and we walked to school together.
"Hey Leah, can I ask you a question?"
I looked at her. "Sure, what's up?"
Cam sighed deep, as if she was about to ask something really serious. "Apparently you're having troubles with Math... If you want I could help you?"
I looked at her, how did she even knew? "Why do you think I have troubles with Math?"
"Because you always stay behind." she said and laughed, but quickly covered her mouth. She knew she had said something she shouldn't have.
I glared at her, she was stalking me?! Really?! "Are you watching me?"
She looked away.
"Answer me, Cam! Are you stalking me? And don't lie, I know when you're lying." I said, watching her closely.
She sighed and nodded. "Alright, alright." she said and looked at me, right in the eyes. "I'm watching you, I just want to protect you and help you, I swear."
I huffed. "You need to stop, Cam. It's weird and it's kinda creepy."
"Oh come on!" she said, laughing and nudging me a little. "I'm not a creepy figure."
"If it was dark, you would be."
She looked at me. "Yes, and I'd be someone who wanted to catch you because I love you." she said and hugged me tight.
"Cam! Don't be so creepy!"
She laughed and let go of me. "I'm just kidding, Leah."
"It's not funny, you know I'm scared of such things." I pouted.
"Aww," she said and hold me. "I'm sorry, babe."
"I'm still not your babe." I said and by now we were at school. That's when I saw T arriving, she exited her car and when she saw me, she smiled and even blushed... I'm probably wrong though.
I smiled back but quickly looked away, and of course Cam noticed. "Is everything alright?"
I looked at her. "Yeah, I'm fine. Why?"
She watched me closely. "You like someone else." she said, my eyes widened.
"What? No!"
"Yes, you do. I know that look in your eyes." she said and by now our other friends arrived.
"Hey, what's wrong?" Kevin asked, seeing Cam watching me like that.
"She likes someone else." Cam said but didn't move her eyes from mine.
"Really? Who?" Kara asked excited.
Cam quickly looked at her. "That doesn't matter, she's mine."
"Cam, I'm not yours anymore." I said, sighing deep. "Why can't you just let go?"
"Because we belong together, why can't you see that?"
"Alright, alright." Sally said, stepping between me and Cam. "Calm down, everyone." she said, looking at all of us, afterwards she looked at me. "Why don't you tell us who you like?"
I groaned. "I don't like anyone!"
"That's a lie!" Cam said. "You do like someone, Leah, I see it in your eyes, I know you. It's the same when you see things in my eyes."
I sighed, knowing Cam was right. But the only person I might like was... T... And she's way out of my league...
"Alright, maybe I do like someone," I started to which my friends squealed and Cam got even angrier. "But she's not interested in me, so let's just forget about it."
"Who is she?" Cam asked through gritted teeth.
"It doesn't matter." I said and started walking toward class, I had enough of this.
Talia's POV
I had such weird dreams... I had dreams about Leah and me... A whole lot of romantic things... That girl makes me feel so weird, in a good way of course.
As I got up I knew today was going to be awkward, since I had dreams about Leah in that way... I will act awkward, then she'll get nervous, then things get awkward... Amazing!
I got to school and when I exited the car, I saw her talking to Cam while they waited, probably for her friends. When she looked at me, I smiled at her but couldn't help the blush that was forming onto my cheeks.
She didn't even smiled back... She just looked down and so I left to my classroom, a little bit sad because of that.
The day passed by fast and soon it was lunch. I went to the teacher lounge and saw Heather sitting there, waiting for me.
I walked to her and smiled. "Hey."
She smiled too. "Hey." she said and put her school papers away, she seemed to have a lot of work.
"You seem busy, If you want, I can leave..."
"No, it's fine." she said and took her food. "I'm tired of marking papers. You'd think students got better in English... But that's wrong."
I laughed a little. "How so? Maybe you're just really strict."
"I am really strict. But I'm fair too. You know that." she said to which I nodded. "And how's Math grades? Are they going down too?"
I chuckled but nodded. "They are. But not to much. It helps that students are actually listening to me now."
"I don't know why you waited that long anyway to speak up."
I looked down. "I don't know either, I guess I was just insecure."
"So what changed?"
I couldn't help but smile, the thought of Leah and our conversation made me smile like crazy.
"Who's the lucky girl?" she suddenly said excited.
"What? No, there's no one."
"Mhm, I don't buy that." she said and came closer. "Who's the girl? Do I know her?"
"How would you possibly know her?"
"So there's someone?" she asked with a smirk, knowing she won.
I sighed deep and buried my face in my hands. "Alright, alright... I like someone, but it's just an innocent crush."
"So what? Who says she doesn't like you?"
"I say that, there's no way she even thinks of me in that way." I said and sighed.
She put her hand over mine which made me look at her. "Yes, there is. Talia, you're beautiful and you're so sweet and nice. Don't worry so much, she does like you."
I chuckled. "You haven't seen her or anything and all of the sudden you know she likes me..."
"Of course, who wouldn't?" she said and finished eating. "If I were you, I'd just tell her."
"You think?"
She nodded. "What do you have to lose?"
"My dignity."
She nudged me. "Come on, Talia, live a little."
I looked at her and nodded. "Maybe you're right."

You're mine
Storie d'amoreLeah's just a girl like another: hanging out with friends, experiencing love, having family fights and love... But what happens when her perfect world isn't that perfect anymore? And what about this teacher that always tries to help...?