Chapter 37: MY Leah

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Talia's POV

I knew it was to good to be true. That class was to quiet for such a long time, of course they had to get back to their usual selves.

But instead of letting it get to me, I went to Leah, since she was the only one who was listening to me. I leaned onto her desk and together we made exercises. It went really great actually.

After that class, I went to the teacher's lounge, taking the stuff I needed for tonight. I had a lot of tests to grade.

After that, I turned around, wanting to leave but that's when I saw Heather. I walked to her and smiled. "Hey Heather."

She looked up and smiled. "Hey Talia, Charlotte, Mary."

I looked behind me and saw Charlotte and Mary. "I hadn't even seen you two."

"We know." Mary said as she and Charlotte sat down with Heather.

"Aren't you sitting down?" Charlotte asked.

I looked at the time, Leah had to be almost at our spot. I didn't want her to be all alone there. "No, I have to go."

"Alright. Bye." Heather said and groaned but I kept walking away. "Why can't this girl learn anything?"

"Who?" I heard Mary ask.

"Leah Collins." Heather said which made me stop. I walked back slowly, not wanting to raise any suspicion.

"She's a good student." Charlotte said. "Clumsy, shy, nervous, but a good student."

"Yeah, she's a good student." Mary said, nodding.

I had to smile at that, that's typical Leah. "Yeah, I think so too. Although she's not that good in Math." I said.

Heather looked up. "Well she's not good at English either. I can't help her if she's not listening."

"What do you mean? In my class, she's the only one listening." I said, trying to defend Leah as much as possible without sounding to involved.

Heather huffed. "Not in my class." she said as she let us see Leah's test or task, or whatever. She failed. "She had to write a story with Camilla." Heather started, I immediately rolled my eyes, I really can't stand Cam. Why doesn't Leah stay away from her? "They're both not good at it, I don't know why they even worked together."

"Maybe because they're like girlfriends." Mary said to which we all looked at her. "What? If you'd listen to the students' gossip you'd know."

I got angry, that's what students thought? That MY Leah was dating Cam... Nope, I don't need or want to hear this. "I really need to go now."

"Alright, bye." they all said and so I left, and this time for real.


"Hey baby." Leah said as she entered my car. She smiled and kissed me deeply.

I smiled back, but still thought about what my friends had said, especially Heather. I can't believe what she had said about Leah, in my eyes Leah wasn't anything what she said. She really tried.

"Hey baby." I said and looked in front of me, to the road. I started driving towards our home.

When we arrived at home, we got out. We got to our room and got dressed in pajamas. After that, Leah went to the living room and started her homework. I took my papers and started marking tests.

We worked for while until I heard her groan. I looked up and saw her face buried in her hands. "What's wrong?"

She looked up and at me. "I can't do this."

I stood up and went to sit next to her. "Let me see." She passed me her book, it was her math homework. I looked at it and saw she had finished everything. "What's wrong? It's done."

She took her book and looked at it. "I've tried making them but I know it's wrong."

I smiled and shook my head no. "You're way to hard on yourself." I said as I took her book once again. "These exercises are done, they're good."

Leah blinked a few times, she clearly didn't believe me. "W-what?"

"You heard me." I said and smiled.

She got the biggest smile on her face. "I did it... I did it!" she said excited, stood up and hugged me tight. "Thanks to you, baby. You're an amazing teacher and fiancee."

I smiled. "And you're an amazing student and fiancee." I don't care what Heather said, my Leah was really trying.

"Let me help you now." she said and motioned to the many tests I had to mark.

I looked at her. "Baby, it's really sweet you want to help, but..." I sat down and looked at her. "It's Math."

She nodded. "I know I can't do Math, but I can see when something's wrong. I know when an exercises is wrong."

I nodded, she definitely could do that. "Alright." I said and patted my lap. She sat down on it and looked at me, smiling.

"Let's start." she said and took a test.

We worked on it for about an hour, thank God she helped me because I could've been working so much more without her... "I'll make us some dinner, we deserve it."

She nodded and followed me.

"What's wrong?"

She smiled. "I want to help." she said and took some vegetables, she started cutting them.

I smiled and went to hold her from behind. I let my head rest onto her right shoulder while I held her close. This I love: us two hugging.

Leah laughed a little. "Baby, that tickles!"

I smiled, an evil idea came to mind. "What does?"

Leah turned around and looked at me. "You know what, I'm very sensitive. You know I'm ticklish."

I nodded and smirked. "I know."

As if she caught on immediately, she shook her head. "No, T! I swear if you - "

I tickled her.

She started laughing hysterical and quickly fell to the ground, protecting her belly, since that was the most ticklish. "Aww, baby, you alright?" I asked, laying my body over hers, trapping her.

She looked at me. "That's not funny!"

I smiled and started tickling her again.

"T, stop!" she shouted but laughed too. She was so beautiful like this: laughing, begging me, just being happy...

I smiled and stopped tickling her, I needed to ask her a serious thing. "Baby, I need to ask you something."

She was still breathing heavy but looked at me, nodding.

I took a deep breath. "I want you to meet my parents."

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