Chapter 17: Summer break

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Leah's POV

I was supporting my head onto my hand, watching the clock tick by. Why couldn't it go faster? Why did time have to go so slow when I'm in school?

The teacher was informing us about next year and how important it was to work harder next school year. As if we didn't already know that...


I looked to my right, to Cam, who's always sitting next to me. We've been closer again, like best friends. I'm happy she's not really trying any more things. She gave up on trying to seduce me, for now. I'm going to enjoy that as long as it's that way.

"What are you thinking?" she whispered, knowing this teacher could keep us here longer if she'd know we were talking.

I discretely looked at her. "Summer, I want to get out of here. Why are we even still here? School's over."

Cam shrugged. "It's only a few more minutes."

"A few more minutes to much."

And right when I had said that, the bell rang, indicating the start of summer break! Everyone got up and cheered.

No one listened to that poor teacher and just ran out. I followed Cam to our friends, we'd meet up before going our own way.

"So, what are you all going to do this summer?" Kara asked excited, she's always excited for summer break. She's always going on a trip with her parents. "I'm going on a trip with my parents!" See what I mean...

"So am I." Sally said, smiling. "And I'll make sure to keep you all updated."

"Well I'm going to spend all summer to video games with my buddies." Kevin said, smiling. He was probably already thinking about that.

I smiled at them.

"I don't really have plans." Cam said, looking at me. "Yet..."

I looked away. "I don't really know what I'm going to do, but I guess I'll see later."

"You two could do something together." Kara said to which Sally and Kevin nodded.

"Yeah, that'd be great." Cam said, smiling.

I looked at them. "Maybe, I guess we'll see." I said and looked at my phone, T had sent me a text, probably to ask me where I was. "Uhm... I have to go now. But I'll text you all, so I'll see you later, enjoy your summer." I said and left, waving at them.

I hurried to T's car. She was still parked at the same spot as usual. I entered and sighed in relieve.

"Everything alright?" T asked, smiling.

I looked at her and smiled. "Yeah, I'm so happy it's finally summer. Finally!" I said and let out a deep breath.

"Yeah, me too. Finally it's over with marking grades and disrespectful teenagers..." she said as she started the engine.

We drove to her house, like every day after school. We entered her house and I let myself fall back onto the couch, sighing deep.

T sat down next to me. "So, what now?"

I looked at her. "I don't know. We can watch tv..."

T looked at the tv and got up, turning it on. She layed down and opened her arms for me. I shook my head, it's something I had still troubles with: laying in her arms. I know I've layed with her in her garden, but as soon as it was in the couch, I didn't felt comfortable doing it...

T sighed a little but didn't say anything about it. She looked down for awhile and went to sit again. And together we watched tv.


I yawned.

T looked at me and turned off the tv. "You need to go to bed."

I nodded while yawning again. "Can you take me home?" I asked as I got up slowly. I was almost falling down again, I was really tired.

"You could also... stay here...?" T said carefully.

I looked at her. "W-what do you m-mean?"

She gulped and walked to me, standing in front of me. "I mean that you can stay here, for the night. You don't have to go home, baby."

I gulped. "I-I don't know..."

"Aww, come on, baby." she said, taking my hands in hers. "It'll be fun."

I really wanted her close but for some reason I couldn't. I gently shook my head no. "Can you please drive me home?" I asked, not looking up at her. I knew she was upset now.

"Yeah, let's go." she said soft, she was upset, I knew it.

We walked to her car and entered. She started the engine and drove me home. During the ride, none of us talked. She was looking at the road while I was looking outside, I was afraid of looking at her, I knew I hurt her but I don't want to do anything I felt uncomfortable with.

When we arrived at my house, she didn't said anything. She just waited for me to get out.

I looked at her. "Thanks for the ride, baby." I said and kissed her cheek.

She showed me a small smile but didn't said anything.

I sighed deep and exited the car, walking to my house. I waved at her and she waved back, and I immediately felt even more guilty.

I opened the front door and entered.

I closed it and leaned against the front door, sighing deep.

"Hey, what's the problem?" Cam asked, she came from the kitchen with a glass of water.

"Cam, why aren't you asleep?"

She raised her eyebrows. "Leah, why did you came home so late?"

I glared at her. "Let's go." I said and together we went to my room. I took my pajamas and went to the bathroom. When I was done changing into them, I went back to my room.

"You know Leah, you don't really need to go to the bathroom to change, I've seen your body." Cam said, showing a flirty smile.

I rolled my eyes. "You've seen it once and it'll stay at that one time." I said, getting in bed.

Cam chuckled a little and got in bed next to me. "We'll see about that." she said, scooting closer to me. She opened her arms for me and I got closer to her. "Goodnight, love."

"Goodnight, Cam." I said and closed my eyes, trying to focus on getting some sleep.

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