Chapter 36: Teachers...

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Leah's POV

This day was so exhausting, I think T has drained all my energy for today this morning... I miss her so much, just thinking about her. I want and need her close.

I was currently in Science class, I liked this class. I liked Science, I think it's fascinating. Plus, the teacher, Miss Lane, was also very nice to me. She was very severe towards other people, but very nice to me. I like that.

We had a test today, but instead of having a theoretical test, she wanted to do a practical test. We needed to do some small Science tests and she'd evaluate the safety and the precision of it. It was a good idea for a test.

I was last to go, which I didn't like. I just sat there, waiting for my turn while everyone else could leave class when they were ready.

Finally it was my turn and I could go to her. I stood in front of her with my checklist. I started the test and made sure I took my time to do the right thing. But because I was nervous when people'd watch me, I was starting to shake a little.

I could control it pretty good until I suddenly let something fall onto the ground, the glass shattering everywhere.

"Oh I'm so sorry, Miss!" I said, I was in shock. How could I have been so stupid and so careless?

She quickly went to take the bin and put all the pieces of glass in there, carefully. I knelt down and helped her do that.

"I'm so sorry, Miss." I said once again, she must think I'm a clumsy stupid girl now.

She looked up and smiled. "It's alright, Leah, don't worry about it." she said as we were finally done. She went to place the bin back and came back to me. "I think you're done for today." she said as she put her hand onto my shoulder.

I gasped, I couldn't fail this! "But it was only one mistake, I - "

"Don't worry, you passed."

My jaw dropped. "R-really?"

She nodded and smiled. "You did really great, unfortunately the glass couldn't keep up with you."

I laughed a little. "I guess so." I said and smiled, I can't believe I passed even though I let it fall to the ground. "Thank you, Miss."

She smiled and nodded. "You should go now, your next class will start."

I nodded and left.


"So, how did you do on your Science test?" Cam asked, smiling at me. Even though she's creepy, she's also caring. She cares so much about me.

I smiled back. "I passed."

My friends gasped. "She told you?" Kara asked to which I nodded, not knowing what the big deal was. "She didn't tell anyone of us, you're so lucky you're the teacher's pet."

I gasped. "I'm not!"

They all looked at me and nodded. "Yes, you are. Just like in Math." Sally said, to which they all nodded.

I gulped, I had to be careful then.

"Alright class, today we'll work some more on your writing skills since not many of you can write a good short story." our English teacher, Miss Stone, said.

I sighed deep, this teacher was annoying. Nothing was good for her, not a single person could do proper English in her eyes.

"Alright, work in pairs and write me a simple but entertaining short story." she said and so Cam quickly took my arm and claimed me.

"Alright, you come up with the ideas, I write." she said as she took a paper and a pen. She looked at me, waiting to come up with ideas. "Come on Leah, start already."

"Why don't you come up with ideas too? That's the task." I said while I was looking around, trying to think of something.

"Because you're way smarter than I am." she said and smiled, was that supposed to be flirting?

I looked down, what could be interesting enough? I groaned. "I don't know, Cam."

"You're not even trying, Leah, come on."

I looked at her, angry. "I am trying!"

"Girls, what's going on here?" Miss Stone asked.

We looked up. "Nothing." Cam and I said in unison.

"Leah just doesn't know how to write." Cam said which made me angry at her.

"I don't disagree with you on that." Miss Stone said. I looked at her in shock, that hurt pretty bad. She knelt down and looked at me. "Leah, you really need to work harder or else you wont make it."

"I am..." I said, looking down. "I really am, and I thought I wasn't that bad at English."

Miss Stone looked at Cam, afterwards at me. "Leah, you're not good, but not bad either. You just really need to work on it."

"So you didn't like my short story on the exam?" I asked, it actually was a little short story about my trip with T to Paris.

She shook her head no. "It was fine, but that's it. There was no potential in it, there were no emotions in it. It was just fine."

I looked down and nodded. "I'll try harder."

"Alright, Cam, you should try too. Work together." Miss Stone said, but before she left, she gave us our tests back. "You two actually did well on your tests, which is good. Only writing isn't good." after that, she left.

"I got a higher grade than you." Cam said and smiled big.

I rolled my eyes. I didn't care about that, I was happy with what I got anyway. I put my test in my backpack, T will be so happy.

After awhile, class ended and it was time for T-time, I mean Math. I loved Math, not because of the subject math, but because of it's teacher.

When I entered the class, I sat down and looked at T, smiling big.

T saw me and smiled back. When everyone had entered, she went to close to door and looked at us, we were all pretty quiet. "Alright..." she started, I guess she was surprised that everyone was quiet. "Today we start on page 41, and we make exercises until page 45. Page 46 is homework."

Everyone took their book and started to make their exercises. For the first 10 minutes it was quiet, but it quickly went back to the way it used to be. Everyone was talking to everyone again and everyone was ignoring my beautiful fiancee.

I sighed deep and felt really sad, seeing her like that. I also hated these exercises, I can't do them, it's to hard.

T walked to me, and leaned on my desk, she really didn't care about the other students anymore. "Alright, Leah, I need you to calm down and do this step by step." she said and smiled at me.

I smiled and started the exercises. We actually managed to finish all the exercises, but not the homework... Unfortunately...

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