Chapter 73: The wedding

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Leah's POV

The next day, I woke up with mixed feelings. I was so happy, finally the day was here. Finally the long awaited day, the day T and me wanted it to be for so long. But at the same time, I was so incredibly nervous. Not only will I get married today, which is a huge thing, especially since T's my teacher... But also I'll see T's entire family and she'll see mine.

I was so nervous for that. I mean, what if they don't like me? What if they wonder how we met? Are we going to say the truth?

I got up, immediately getting myself ready for the day. It was going to be such a long day today, I hope T went to bed in time, she'll need her energy. That's why I went to bed in time.

I was ready and got downstairs, to my parents. They were waiting for me, and they seemed super stressed.

"Good morning, mom and dad."

"Sweetie, how are you?" mom asked, smiling, but I could see she was forcing it a little, she was really nervous. Probably because we haven't told the family that I'm marrying my teacher... I mean all our family knows is that I'm getting married, which is something big already.

"I'm good, today's my day." I said, smiling. "When does everyone get here?" I asked, taking something to eat and drink.

Dad looked at the time. "In 30 minutes. Why?"

I sat down at the table with them. "We should tell them the truth before the wedding."

Dad almost chocked on his coffee and mom gasped. "Are you crazy?" she asked.

"They won't accept the fact you're marrying your teacher. What if one of them opens up their mouth? They could get Talia in big trouble." dad said, making me look down. He sighed and put his hand over mine. "Listen, we'll deal with that later, but not now: get married to the girl."

I looked up at him and saw him smiling. I smiled back and nodded. "Ok, I will."

"You do?" mom asked, chuckling.

I smiled big. "Yes, I do."


And so we didn't tell anything to the family. Of course they had their questions like: 'Why would you marry so young? Who's the girl? Where did you two meet? Why didn't you two wait for a few years? Are you two going to start a family after the wedding?...'

The questions kept on coming. But it were normal questions to ask. One question stood out to me: Are we going to start a family after the wedding?

Honestly I don't think so, at least not immediately. T and me have talked about children already, believe it or not. We've even thought about names. It just feels like we have our whole lives planned already. And that's crazy, but it feels good. I feel like I have this safe net, no matter what'll happen, T'll be there to catch me and hold me close.

Anyway, after all those questions it was time to get ready and go to the town hall.

When we arrived, I had to wait in this little room. T was going first, she wanted me to walk to her. I don't know why, probably to make me even more nervous. That'd be so mean of her. No, probably to check me out, yes that must be it.

Nor T nor me has seen what dress the other will wear. So when I walk to her, we'll have time to check each other out. We'll certainly use that time.

"And sweetie, how are you doing?" mom asked, caressing my cheeks.

I gulped and took a deep breath. "I'm ok, I think."

"You'll do amazing." dad said, smiling. "Just keep your eyes on Talia's face. The rest is for afterwards."

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