Chapter 64: Helping Heather?

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Leah's POV

In the days that followed, Heather didn't say a word to me nor T. She was very distant, she didn't really mind what happened around her anymore.

I mean Heather's one of the strictest teachers in school, and now during her class, people were just cheering and talking. It seemed like T's class but 100 times worse.

I looked at her, she seemed deep in thoughts. I wonder if she regret hurting T the way she did. I know I shouldn't care but I did. Heather's a very mean person, but she's - she was T's best friend for such a long time. T's fine with it because she has her other friends and me, but Heather lost everything.

And so after class, I did what I shouldn't have done, I walked to her.

"Uhm, Heather?" I said soft, I really didn't want a fight here.

She looked at me, no emotions in her eyes.

"I uhm... I'm sorry. I know you're upset with everything that has happened, I really hope you and T can be friends again."

She looked down, sighing deep.

I gulped, she must be really down. "If you ever want to talk, I'm here too." I said to which she looked up at me, surprised. "Yes, I mean it, I care about T's friends."

She opened her mouth but closed it almost immediately.

"It's fine, you don't have to say anything. I just wanted you to know that." I said and showed her a small smile. "Well I'll get going now. I'll see you tomorrow."

I walked to T's car, thinking about what I had just done. Heather wasn't Heather anymore, this was someone who really was sad, who regretted what she had done.

I entered T's car and sighed deep. "Well what a nice greeting." T said, being sarcastic.

I smiled and kissed her deeply. "I missed you, baby."

T smiled. "That's better." she said and kissed me again. "So, what took you so long?" she said, starting the car.

I looked outside. "I needed to talk to this person."

"Who?" she asked, stopping the car at a red light.

I gulped before looking at her. "Heather."

T immediately looked at me. "Stay away from her, she's no good."

I sighed. "I know but she seems so sad."

"It's her own fault. She could've just accepted us and still be my friend. She wanted to be a hater and now she's alone. That's called karma, baby."

I nodded. "I know."

"Well then, just forget about her." she said and drove us home.


The next day I did what T told me, I didn't think/look at Heather anymore. I did the exercises in my book but didn't mind her being at the front.

I even talked to my friends too, even though that's disrespectful towards Heather. She wasn't really being respectful towards me, so I guess we're even now...

After class, I hurried to be out fast. But others were very fast, they were already preparing to leave before the school bell even rang.

Anyway, as I was walking towards the door, I heard my name. "Leah?"

I looked around, not knowing where that came from.

"Leah, can you stay behind, please?"

I looked at Heather and saw her looking at me.

"Yes, you."

I gulped and slowly walked to her. She got up, closing the door and then sat back down behind her desk. She sighed deep, looking down. "I've thought about what you said."

I gulped, I wish I never said it, T really wouldn't like this.

She looked at me. "I really appreciate what you said, that was very nice of you." she said, showing a small smile.

Did she just smile at me? Ok, this isn't Heather. Who is this and what did she do with Heather?

"To think you even want to talk to me, help me after everything I put you through..." she said, shaking her head. "Thank you, really."

I couldn't help the smile that formed onto my face, I loved helping people, I loved making them happy. I feel like, everyone should be happy. Everyone deserves it. "You're welcome, Heather."

She smiled at me. "So, does that offer still stand?"

I tilted my head to the side.

"You know, you'd listen to me?"

"Oh right." I said and took a chair. "I'm listening."

She smiled a little and then looked down. "I'm sorry for being so mean to you. I just really care about Talia. She had relationships before, those weren't big successes and I want to avoid her getting hurt. She deserves someone that'll make her happy, someone that'll always be there for her, someone that loves her deeply."

I nodded.

"And I just don't know if you really are that person." she said, crushing my heart once again. "Talia loves you and you love her, I've seen the love. But there will always be troubles. I mean, she's a teacher here, you're still here for this year and next year. Afterwards you'll have to study and maybe even move. What about Talia? Will she have to move too because of that? She has build her life here, she has made it. You still have to start."

I looked down, that made me depressed.

"She doesn't deserve that, it's not fair to her. You can't take her with you, she worked so hard for the life she has now. It's not fair if you'd take it away from her." Heather said, making me look at her. "That's why I have my doubts. Also you two getting married... You're really young for that, isn't it better to wait? At least to see if you two really work out."

I looked down again, gulping. I felt so sad all of the sudden, so insecure.

"I don't mean to make you upset, I just want you and Talia to know this. Be realistic too. Talia will of course drop everything to move with you, but is that really what you want?"

I looked back at Heather. "I just want to be happy with her."

"And is her giving up everything going to make you happy?"

I shook my head slowly.

"That's what I thought. I know this isn't easy to hear, but please, think of that too. This relationship is maybe fun now but it can't last. It's not stable."

I looked down and started sniffling.

"I'm sorry, I just think you need to know this."

I nodded slowly.

"So do what's best for Talia." she said, making me look at her. "Let her go, only then she'll truly be happy."

I looked down and nodded.

"Go on, go talk to her."

I slowly got up and walked to the door.

"And Leah," she said, making me look at her. "You're doing the right thing." she said, smiling.

I nodded and left.

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