Chapter 68: Help me, help you

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Leah's POV

She nodded and gulped, was she nervous? "I uhm, I'd love to be your personal teacher as well."

My jaw dropped. "W-what?"

"You heard me. I want to become your personal teacher as well. I know Mary and Charlotte are doing it too, so let me be it too."

I chuckled. "What makes you think I want that?"

"Because you know I'm a good teacher."

I raised my eyebrows.

"And in doing so, we're both making Talia happy. Isn't that what you want? It's what I want, because I care a lot about her." she said making me gasp.

"How dare you even say that? Of course I care about T and I love her so much. But that doesn't mean I need to be unhappy."

"Why would you be unhappy?"

I rolled my eyes. "Because of you being here."

She covered her face, sighing deep in her hands. "Listen, I just want to help you with languages and you know I can really help you with that. And in doing so, we'll both make Talia happy. Let's do that, let's make her happy."

I looked down, I hate that she's right. Or maybe this is a trick again? "I need to talk to T about this first."

She nodded. "Sure, take all the time you need."

I glared at her, something wasn't right here. She's either faking or... No that's it, she's faking. "Ok, we will."

She nodded. "I guess I'll get going then. Thanks for listening to me, I appreciate that." she said, smiling at me. For some reason, I felt good. I mean, even though it's Heather, I helped a person.

"You're welcome."

She slowly walked to her car and got it. She waved at me and then drove of, and at that same moment, Charlotte arrived. She got out of her car and walked to me. "Was that Heather?"

I nodded and let her in. "Yes, she offered her help."

"Her help?" Charlotte asked, taking off her coat. "With what?"

I sighed deep. "She wants to become a personal teacher too."

Charlotte's eyes widened.

"Yeah, I had the same reaction. She says she wants to help me and in doing so we both would make T very happy."

Charlotte nodded. "I get that, that would make Talia happy."

I nodded. "Unfortunately."

Charlotte chuckled. "You don't have to do something you don't want, Talia doesn't want you to be unhappy."

"I know. I just want her and Heather to get along again, I mean they've been friends for awhile."

Charlotte nodded. "Yes, they have. But you know what, talk to Talia first, see what she says."

I nodded. "I was going to do that. She should know."

Charlotte nodded again. "I agree." that's when the conversation stopped. She looked at me, looking me up and down. "Why are you still in pajamas?"

I became red immediately. "Yeah, I didn't had the time to get changed."

Charlotte raised her eyebrows. "Leah, it's 9 in the morning, normally you'd be in class already. You've become lazy."

I gasped. "No, I'm not!" I said, hurrying upstairs. "I'll be done in a sec."

I hurried to my room and took some random clothes. I quickly got out of my pajamas and then put on my clothes. I quickly put my hair in a ponytail and then went back downstairs.

"See, I'm here."

Charlotte nodded, walking to the table. "I see."

I sat down in front of her. "So, what are we doing today?"


After Mary's class, I sighed in relieve. Lunch break, finally!

I put everything away, and so did Mary. She got up, taking her coat. "We worked good today."

I nodded. "Always, it's so much easier here than at school."

Mary nodded. "Yeah, at least you pay attention."

I laughed a little. "Teens."

"Yeah." she agreed.

"Hey uhm, if you want you can eat lunch here." I suggested. I knew she didn't had classes until last period.

"Uhm, sure. I'll enjoy it more with some good company." she said, smiling big. She took her lunch and walked back to the table. She sat down in front of me and sighed.

"Oh do you want something to drink?" I asked, I almost forgot to ask.

She looked around, thinking. "Yeah, sure. Just a glass of soda, please."

I nodded and got up, pouring some soda into a glass and gave it to her. "Here you go."

"Thanks." she said and drank from it. "So, Charlotte told me you have a beautiful ring."

I smiled and let her see it.

"That's a beautiful one indeed." she said, looking at it. "I wonder what your dress will be..."

I laughed a little. "I don't have one yet. Mom and I are going to buy one when school ends."

She nodded. "Good choice. School first then marriage."

I laughed a little. "Yeah."

Suddenly we heard a key at the front door and that's when the door opened. "Hey baby, I'm home!"

"Baby!" I said louder and that's when T walked to us.

"Oh hey Mary."

"Hey Talia."

T walked to me and kissed me deeply. "I missed you."

"I missed you too."

She smiled and looked at Mary. "Did she behave?"

"Hmm I don't know..."

"Hey! I did, I payed attention." I said, nudging her.

Mary and T laughed together. "We're teasing you, baby."

I pouted. "Two against one, not fair!"

T walked to the kitchen. "That's what you get, dating a teacher."

I rolled my eyes. "Poor me."

Mary chuckled while eating. "You two are cute and funny together."

"Thanks." I said and looked at T. "What are we eating?"

"I'm just baking some pizzas."

I nodded. "Yummy!"

She walked back to me and sat down. "Mary, if you want a piece..."

She smiled but shook her head no. "No, but thanks. I'm going to school now. You two lovebirds can enjoy lunch together." she said and stood up, walking to the front door.

T and me walked after her. "You don't have to leave because of T being here."

She smiled. "I know, I just want to go already, I'll get everything ready for class. Thanks for letting me stay."

I nodded. "Of course."

T smiled and held me from behind. "I'll see you tomorrow."

Mary nodded. "Bye Talia, Leah."

We both waved at her and that's when she left. We both walked back to the kitchen, taking the pizza and putting it onto a plate.

We walked to the couch and sat down, finally having lunch.

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