Chapter 40: Kat

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Leah's POV

A new week, a new school week... I really didn't like school. The only good thing was seeing my friends and T. But I could also do that outside of school. I really didn't know why I needed to be here.

Anyway, I was at my next class, waiting for my friends, since they seem to take hours to get here. They were so slow! When class would end, they were walking so slow to our next class. I was at our next classes way faster than them. And I wasn't even trying...

Anyway, I was waiting here, just being all alone when suddenly a girl appeared in front of me. "Hello, I'm Katherine, I'm new and I was wondering if you could show me the way to my class?" she said. She had long blond hair, and deep blue eyes.

"Sure." I said and took her schedule. "Alright, it's through this hallway, then left and then right, the second class on that hallway." I said and handed her her schedule back.

She smiled and nodded. "Thank you so much, I would've get lost without you."

I smiled as well. "No, you would've asked someone else."

"Nope, only some people, like you." she said as she smiled at me.

I smiled back but got kinda uncomfortable, I don't know why. We stood there for awhile, not saying anything.

"Uhm... I'll get going now, thank you so much for your help." she said as she left.

I watched her walk away in the mass of people, I hope she'll find it. What a weird girl, you'd think she'd know the school building by now.

"Hey Leah, what's up?" Cara asked. Finally my friends had made it.

"Nothing much, just waiting for my slow friends."

They all chuckled and we waited for class to start.


It was lunch time, I was supposed to meet up with T but she told me she was going to have lunch with her friends. So I'll have lunch with my friends then. To bad she didn't told me sooner.

I was walking towards the cafeteria when I saw that girl, Katherine. I walked to her and saw her sitting all by herself. "Hey."

She looked up and, when she saw me, she smiled. "Hey."

I sat down next to her on the bench. "Why are you sitting here by yourself?"

She shrugged. "I don't really have friends so I'm not in the mood to sit in the cafeteria alone."

I looked at her, that was kinda sad. "I'll be your friend."

She looked at me. "Really?"

I nodded. "Of course, you seem like a nice girl."

She smiled. "Thanks, so are you. Without you I wouldn't have found my classroom."

I smiled. "I was just going to ask if you found it."

"Of course I did, you gave really good directions."

We sat there for awhile, just eating in silence. And that's when I thought about a question I had in my mind. "Why did you transfer to this school for your last year of high school?"

She looked at me. "How did you know this is my last year of high school?"

"It was marked on your schedule."

"Oh right." she said and looked down. "Well my parents and I had a fight. They said things to me, they really hurt my feelings. And so I left them, just as they told me to do."

"What did they say to you that was so bad?"

She looked down, and that's when I saw some tears roll down her cheeks. "They insulted me, they never understood me. I hate them!" she said, raising her voice.

In response, I put my hand on top of hers. "Hey, it's alright."

She looked at me, her eyes were shining with those tears in it.

I gave her a tissue. "Here."

"Thanks." she said and whipped away the tears. "I just want to move on and be on my own."

I nodded. "I understand, I won't ask any more things about that."

She nodded and showed me a small smile. "Thanks."

"Of course." I said and smiled.

We sat there, during lunch, taking about random things. I found out she was 19. She loved reading, watching movies and shopping. Which are three things I liked.

I also found out she lived quite close to me and T. So we could see each other at her house and I'd be home fast.

She also asked about me. I told her everything, except about T.


When school was over, I was walking towards the spot I'd see T. I can't wait to see my beautiful baby again.

"Hey Leah."

I turned around and saw Kat, my nickname for Katherine. "Hey Kat."

She smiled. "I really like that nickname."

"Yeah, me too, it suits you well."

She smiled and looked in my eyes. "I just wanted to thank you."

"Thank me? What for?"

"Because you were there for me. I'm new here, and you talked to me, helped me. I'm just really happy to have a friend now." she said and smiled. "So thank you."

I smiled as well. "You're welcome, Kat. Besides, I'm really happy to have you as a friend. We have a lot in common."

"Yeah, we do." she said and chuckled. "Anyway, do you want a ride home?"

My eyes widened. "No, I'm fine."

"Really? Because it's not that far."

I groaned, I can't believe I actually told her my address. What if she comes over and T opens the door? I have to tell T!


"Huh?" I said, looking at her, I must've been in deep thoughts. "Yes, I'm sure."

"Alright, well I'll see you tomorrow. Bye!"


And she left. I sighed in relieve and walked to the spot I'd see T, and there she was. I quickly entered the car and kissed her deeply.

"Well that's a nice surprise! You're not angry anymore about yesterday evening?" she asked, smiling.

I groaned, just thinking about that made me get angry and frustrated again! "Don't even start about that!"

T chuckled. "Hey, it had to be done."

I looked at her, mad. "No, it did. We could've just made love. Do you know how much you turned me on? I really liked it."

"Aww, don't worry, I'll do the same tonight." she said and started the engine. She drove us home. When we finally arrived, we got out and got upstairs, changing into pajamas.

T went downstairs and that's when I heard the doorbell. My eyes immediately widened, what if that was Kat?

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