Chapter 31: The creeper

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Leah's POV

The next day, I once again went to search for Cam. I wanted to check up on her, she seemed really upset yesterday.

I walked to our friends. "Hey, have any of you seen Cam?"

They looked at each other and afterwards at me. "Nope." Kara said. "But maybe she's just running late."

I nodded and decided to go to the parking lot, waiting for her. I sat down at the bench there and waited. I saw several students entering school, including some I didn't like. Also some teachers, and T's friends.

I waited for awhile, but when the bell was about to rang, I got up, wanting to go to class. I sighed deep and looked around one last time. Still no sign of Cam.

I walked to the entrance of school. But then... "Boeh!"

I screamed and turned around. "Cam!"

She laughed. "You should've seen your face!" she said and kept laughing. "Man, either I'm very sneaky or you're very deaf."

I glared at her. "Probably the first one."

She laughed a little but calmed down after awhile. "Yeah, probably." she said and smiled at me. "I was standing there, behind those cars. I can't believe you didn't saw me, you were literally looking at my direction."

I huffed. "I wasn't expecting someone to spy on me!"

She laughed a little and wrapped her arm around my shoulders while we walked in school together. "You should loosen up a little, calm down. Nothing bad is going to happen." she said to which I nodded and took a deep breath to calm down. "Yet."

I looked at her in shock. "Stop it!" I said and pushed her away.

"Oh you want more action? I'll run after you." she said and looked creepy at me.

"No, Cam, I don't." I said but took slow steps backwards, Cam was once again acting strange. "Cam, stop, this isn't fun."

She smirked and got ready to run. "3..."

"No, Cam!"


"I swear, stop it!"


"No, stop!"

"Go!" she said and started sprinting towards me.

Out of reflex, I quickly ran away from her. I made turns, trying to lose her on my way. I had to admit, I was actually getting scared right now. Cam definitely should host a Halloween party. Oh wait, she already did...

I looked behind me and didn't saw her anymore. I took this as my chance and took a break, I was exhausted from all the running.

But suddenly I felt those all to familiar eyes on me. I looked up and saw Cam running towards me, smirking like a creep.

"Damned Cam!" I shouted and ran away again. "Stop it!" I shouted at her, she was catching up with me. Cam could run way longer than me, she is in better shape than me.

"I'm going to get you." she said in her creepy voice.

I tried running faster. I was actually surprised that one heard any of this. I looked after her and saw her stopping. Why did she stop?

And suddenly I bumped into someone, very hard since I was running fast.

"Leah, are you alright?" Cam asked, helping me get up.

"I think so." I said as I rubbed the back of my head. I looked at the person I ran into and saw T. "Oh God, are you alright?" I asked her, I took her hands and pulled her up.

"I think so." she said, rubbing her forehead, I think she's dizzy... She looked at me and Cam. "Why did you two run around school? And aren't you two supposed to be in class?" she asked stern.

I had to admit, her being like that, in her teacher mode and teacher outfit... It turned me on. As if T caught on to my look, she tried fighting a smile.

"Well?" she asked, mainly looking at Cam now since she knew I was checking her out.

"Leah just lost it and ran away for no reason."

I got pulled out of thoughts by that. "What?!" I looked at Cam in disbelieve. "You chased me like a maniac!"

"Na-ha, I just wanted to go to class, together." she said and smirked.

I groaned. "No, you were being a creep again!" I said to her before turning to look at T. "I was on my way to class but this creep," I said, pointing to Cam. "She started chasing me down the hallways, I tried making her stop but she wouldn't listen." I said, turning to look at Cam. "Like she never would."

Cam rolled her eyes while I looked back at T. T sighed deep. "Alright, just go to your class."

I nodded and left, also touched T's hand for a brief moment.


"Wait what?" Kara asked, laughing.

"You heard me." I said, taking another bite of my sandwich. "That creep chased me."

Cam smiled and shook her head. "Wrong, wrong, wrong."

I looked at her, smiling. "Than what do you think happened?"

She scooted closer, looking me straight in the eyes. "You freaked out, that's what."

I huffed. "I freaked out? Come on, you looked creepy at me!"

She shook her head no. "Define creepy."

My friends looked at Cam and me in amusement. They loved the stories about Cam's creepy behavior, mainly because Cam was kinda creepy, but she'd never hurt me. It was like a horror movie where the creep loved the main character. Nothing bad was going to happen to either of them.

"You know what I mean by creepy. Your stare, that smirk, and that that tone you'd talk... It's so creepy."

She chuckled and placed her hand onto my hand. "You're a wimp."

"Am not!"

Cam chuckled and finished her lunch. "We all know you are, but don't worry, it makes the chases more fun." she said and smirked.

"See that!" I said and pointed to Cam. "That's creepy, if you wouldn't be my friend, I'd seriously call the cops."

"Yeah, thankfully I'm your friend." she said and smiled. "By the way, did you smell it?"

I inhaled deep, trying to get what Cam's talking about. "No, what?"

She shook her head no. "Leah, Leah, Leah. You bought me a gift and can't even smell it."

I scooted closer and inhaled. "Oh it smells good."

She nodded. "Yep," she said and wrapped her arms around my shoulders. "It does."

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