Leah's POV
I slowly opened my eyes, letting them adjust to the daylight. I looked to my side and saw T hugging me from behind. Our naked bodies pressed together while our legs were intertwined.
I smiled when I thought back about yesterday. We had made up, we finally had made up! I could shout it everywhere, but I didn't, for obvious reasons...
I snuggled closer to T's body, I loved feeling her on me. She always was so warm, I'm always cold. I always have to keep myself warm, it's annoying. So those were usually the moments I'd hug T or I'd snuggle closer to T.
T moved a little bit and pulled me closer. "Good morning, baby." she said sleepy.
I smiled and turned around, facing her. "Good morning, baby. How did you sleep?" I asked, smiling big, she was so cute right now. Her eyes were still closed but she was trying to wipe the sleep out of her eyes. "You're still tired?"
"We went to bed late." she said, yawning.
I chuckled. "Well finally my beast is tired! Usually it's me, but now it's you."
T opened her eyes. "Oh yeah?"
I nodded.
She had this mischievous look in her eyes. And suddenly her hands were on my butt. "I'll wake up pretty fast now." she said as she pulled us both up, me on her lap.
"Oh really?"
She nodded.
"Why's that?" I asked, looking at her gorgeous body.
She smirked. "I'll show you." she said and carried me.
"Where are we going?" I asked, looking around. Suddenly we were in the bathroom, underneath the shower. "T, don't you dare!"
T smirked and turned on the shower, ice cold water streaming down on us.
"T! That's cold!" I shouted, trying to get out of her grip. "Let go of me, I don't need to be here!"
T stood there with me in her arms. "Isn't this great, baby?" she said, turning us so that the cold water was on my back now.
"T! Stop it!" I shouted and held on tight on her, I was so cold!
Finally after a few minutes, T stopped the shower and got out. She let me go and took a towel, covering the both of us. "Is that better?"
I didn't respond to her, I just hugged her tight and held her close.
T held me close to her, and we stood there, in a towel. My head was resting on her shoulders, my arms wrapped around her waist. T's head was resting on the side of my head, her arms holding my waist.
I sighed in relieve, I was so happy like this. We just stood there together, and I felt so much love. "I love you, T." I said, kissing her shoulder.
"I love you too, Leah." she said and kissed my head multiple times.
After our morning wake up shower, we spend the whole day together.
We watched a movie together. I always loved that. We usually watched a movie during our lunch. So we sat in each other arms while we shared our meal. Sometimes I'd feed T and then myself. Sometimes she'd feed me and herself. It depends.
We also played some video games. We played two player games: like racing games, party games, sport games... Usually I'd win and T'd look so sad. I'd kiss her and tell her she did great anyway. Sometimes I'd let her win and she'd be so happy with that. Which was so cute!
We also played one player games and then played parts. Like I'd start and she'd finish the level or the other way. But usually we ended up annoyed because we couldn't do it like that.
And so we watched one of our tv shows together, me in T's arms. My head was resting on her chest while my arms were wrapped around her body. Her arms were wrapped around my waist, while our legs were intertwined.
"You'd be my princess." T suddenly said.
I looked at her. "Me? A princess?" I shook my head. "I wouldn't be able to live in those dresses. I'd rather have some pants."
"Well you can be my modern princess." she said and smiled while she played with my hair.
I smiled but felt something strange. T was hiding something from me. I know it might sound strange: I mean, she's paying me compliments, we spend all day together, we have so much fun, we love each other... But she's hiding something from me. The way she's looking at me... She's planning something or she's hiding something.
"You're my true love, baby." she said dreamy, she still played with my hair.
I smiled. "You're my true love too." I said and kissed her deeply. We started making out, my hands caressing her face while her hands were on my butt, squeezing it.
T slowly sat up and pulled me on her lap. Her both legs were in between mine while my hands were around her neck and hers were around me, still squeezing my butt.
We were still kissing, and after awhile started moaning. T held me by my hips and started moving my hips on hers which caused us to moan even more.
I pulled back a little. "Oh T..."
T smirked and let her hands travel around my body, she knew I was far to excited and so I'd keep moving on my own. Her hands were free to roam my body. "Yes, baby?"
I moaned and kept moving, I closed my eyes. This felt so good! I moaned more when I felt her undressing me: her hands pulling my shirt off, unzipping my pants and pulling it down.
"Baby, pants." she simply said and I understood it. I quickly got up and undid them. After that I got on top of her again, moving faster. "You're so turned on." she said, chuckling. She was always so proud when she got me excited.
"Yes! Baby, I need you!" I said and kissed her again.
T's hand finally made it's way into my panties which made me moan loud. "Oh baby, you're so ready for me." T said while kissing and licking my neck. "Moan for me."
And so I moaned for her while she was finally entering me. "Oh T!"
I knew she was smiling, like she always did. She was always so proud of herself, which I didn't mind. She kept licking and kissing me.
"Baby, I'm going to..."
T sped up her pace and suddenly, right before I'd came, the doorbell rang. T and me looked at each other. Who was that?

You're mine
Storie d'amoreLeah's just a girl like another: hanging out with friends, experiencing love, having family fights and love... But what happens when her perfect world isn't that perfect anymore? And what about this teacher that always tries to help...?