Leah's POV
The whole next day I was stressing! I mean, our parents were going to see each other and us! My parents will see me with my fiancee! I can't believe this is happening! I can't believe T fixed it... She can do anything, she's the best!
So like every morning, we did our routine, then we ate breakfast and drove to school. T drove me to our spot. She turned the engine off and looked at me. "Baby, are you alright?"
I looked at her. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"
She gave me a look. "I know you're stressed, you moved all night long in your sleep." she said and took my hands in hers. "I'm stressed too, but we have each other, ok? No one will tear us apart."
I smiled a little. "Promise?"
T nodded. "I promise."
I smiled and pulled her closer, kissing her. "I love you so much, baby."
"I love you too." she said and started the engine again. "Please don't worry anymore."
"I'll try." I said and took my bag. "I'll see you tonight." I said as I got out the car.
"Count on it." she said and smiled, afterwards she drove away.
I smiled while walking to school. I was happy now, I was so proud of T. She did so much for me, she really took a big risk for me. She loves me so much! I feel like I should do something too.
I walked to my class and saw my friends standing there. Maybe I should tell them? Or tell T's friends... But maybe T should tell her friends.
I walked to my friends and smiled. "Hey everyone."
"Hey Leah." they said in unison.
"So, how was your date?" Kevin asked, smirking.
I rolled my eyes. "That bad?" Kara asked. "Well there's hope for you, Cam." she said, patting Cam on the shoulder.
Cam smiled. "So you dumped the chick?"
I groaned. "I never dated her and I never will date her."
"Why not?" Sally asked. "You seem like you don't want anyone anymore."
"I don't want anyone, I don't need anyone."
"Why not? You can't be lonely your whole life." Kara said. Here's the big question: will I say the truth or will I lie?
I looked down. "I won't."
"Exactly." Cam said, wrapping her arms around me. "Because you'll marry me."
"And we can be the bridesmaids!" Kara said excited.
"And I can be the best man." Kevin said, smiling.
"Absolutely, that's an amazing idea." Cam said, smiling big.
"I'm not marrying Cam!" I said, raising my voice. "I'm marrying the love of my life!" And finally that sentence was out, I sighed deep. I felt good, I felt a relieve, and immense relief. "Cam, I can't marry you. I found someone else, I love her so much. She's the love of my life."
All my friends were speechless.
"I should've told you sooner, but I couldn't. It wasn't... safe for us. And her friends aren't accepting us like we had hoped."
They were still speechless.
I sighed deep. "I'm getting married to a beautiful woman, named Talia." I said. It could've revealed a lot, but my friends didn't know T's first name.
"Wow..." Kevin said, he was the first one to show a sign of life. "Congrats, I guess."
"H-how did you two meet?" Sally asked, she seemed genuinely interested.
I smiled. "At school."
"So she goes to school here?" she asked.
I nodded, it was the truth. I looked at Kara and Cam, I knew they were going to have a hard time accepting this. But I was happy, I finally let it out and it felt so good! "Kara, Cam, I know you two wanted it different, but I'm really happy. And I know all you two want is for me to be happy. So I hope that you two will be happy as well."
Kara nodded but looked at Cam. "I guess I'll get used to it, but Cam?"
Cam looked down and just pushed past me to get in the class. I sighed deep. "I had expected that reaction."
"Just give her and us some time." Sally said to which the rest nodded.
"Ok, I will." I said and so we entered the classroom.
And so classes went by. My friends asked me more about Talia, and I was happy to tell them everything they wanted to know. I was really happy. I felt so relieved and so free. Even though me and T had a forbidden relationship.
And when it was time to go home, Cam left without saying a single word to me. Poor Cam. "Hey, it's alright." Sally said, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. "She'll come around."
I sighed deep. "I hope so."
"Of course she will." Sally said and showed me a smile. "So, where's your girl?"
I smiled and blushed. "On her way home."
"She's not going to show herself?"
"Not yet. We're giving you all some time to get used to this news." I said as I started walking away. "But we'll talk tomorrow, I have to go now."
"Ok, bye!" my friends said and so I left.
I walked to our spot, I was so happy! I was humming and smiled when I saw T's car. I got inside and kissed her deeply. "Hey baby."
T smiled. "You are in a great mood. So you're not that stressed anymore for our dinner?"
I gulped, I completely forgot about that. "Why did you had to remind me of that? I don't want that!"
T held my hand. "We're together, remember?" she said and smiled to which I nodded. She started the car and drove us home. "So why were you so happy? You were smiling during my class, something you never do."
I looked at her. "I told my friends."
T quickly looked at me. "What?!"
I nodded. "They know I'm engaged to a girl, named Talia."
"Do they know that that's me?"
I shook my head no. "Not yet."
T glanced at me. "When are you telling them?"
I shrugged. "I haven't thought of that, yet. I'm just relieved that I finally could say it to them. It feels really good."
T smiled. "I know right."
I looked at T. "Are you going to tell your friends?"
She sighed. "I don't think so."
I gasped. "Why not?"
"Because it'll be weird. We have to talk about our students. And if they know you're my wife, they'll always act different."
I smiled and blushed. "I'm not your wife, not yet."
T parked the car in our house and looked at me. "In my heart, you are my wife."
I smiled big and kissed her deeply. "I love you so much."
"I love you too." she said after the kiss. "Now, let's get ready for our special dinner."
I sighed deep but nodded. "Let's go."

You're mine
RomanceLeah's just a girl like another: hanging out with friends, experiencing love, having family fights and love... But what happens when her perfect world isn't that perfect anymore? And what about this teacher that always tries to help...?