Chapter 6: The aftermath

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Leah's POV

The next morning, I made sure to tell my friends about me and Cam. I wanted them to know from me. So I hurried to them and saw them laughing together. I walked to them, hating to disturb their happy time.

"Hey guys." I said soft, not really knowing how to start telling about me and Cam.

"Hey Leah, where's Cam?" Sally asked, looking around.

"Well, she and I aren't really... together anymore..." I said slowly, I really didn't want to repeat myself.

"What?" they all asked shocked.

"What happened?" Kevin asked.

"Yeah, you were really happy yesterday." Kara said.

I sighed and shook my head no. "It's been going bad for awhile now. I guess we weren't meant for each other." I simply said.

They all looked at each other and afterwards at me. "Alright." they said in unison and so we started our day.

I think none of them dared to ask any more questions, scared that I'll start crying...


During lunch I actually didn't went to the lunch table, I decided to eat outside school. So I walked towards there and saw Miss Jacobs, getting stuff from her car. Did she just arrived?

I decided to talk to her. "Hello Miss."

She turned around. "Hey Leah, how's your day going?"

"Fine I guess..." I said and looked down. "Well, actually I - "

"I'm sorry, but I really need to go." she said and took her stuff. "I'll see you in class."

"Yeah." I said and looked at her as she walked into school. "See you later." I whispered.

After that, I just sat down onto the grass nearby and decided to just enjoy lunch by myself. It wasn't that bad actually.


I looked behind me to see Cam standing there. "Hey."

"Mind if I join you?" she asked to which I shook my head no. She went to sit down next to me. We just sat there, in silence, just eating our lunch. "So, how was your day?"

I looked at her. "It was alright, what about yours?"

Cam shrugged. "It could've been better."

I looked down. "I'm sorry, Cam."

She looked at me. "Why, Leah? What did I do wrong?"

"Besides being jealous all the time?" I asked her to which she looked down. I sighed, I didn't want to be mean to her. "I just didn't felt that way anymore, Cam."

She looked at me again. "Why not?"

"I don't know." I said soft.

We sat there, in silence again, both thinking.

"Is there someone else?" she suddenly asked me.

I looked at her, right in the eyes. "No."

She nodded. "Alright."

"Cam, you didn't lose me to anyone. I just didn't felt that way anymore and I hated your jealousy. But even though we aren't girlfriends anymore. I'd love for you to still be my best friend and sister."

She looked at me and smiled a little. "Yeah, I'd like that too."

I smiled and nodded. "I love you, Cam. I'll always will." I said and hugged her tight.

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