Chapter 9: Teacher or friend?

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Leah's POV

The next day, I woke up and was ready for this day. I, again, walked to Cam's house. We went to school together, of course she tried flirting with me again but I didn't react to it so she quickly stopped.

Once we arrived at school, my friends were all standing in the hallway. "Hey." I said as I went to stand with them.

They all looked from Cam to me, they must have their questions about the break up, especially since Cam and me always were together and even came to school together...

"Uhm... Leah... Cam..." Kara said to which both me and Cam looked at her. "I don't want to be mean but... When you've broken up with someone, aren't you supposed to not see them that much?"

Cam and I looked at each other, afterwards we looked at Kara and shrugged.

"Yeah, Kara's right." Sally said to which Kevin nodded. "People are wondering what's going on between you all."

"Why do people care?" Cam asked which was a good question.

"Because most of them are wondering what your relationship is with each other and other are interested." Kara said.

"Interested?" I asked.

Kara nodded. "Some girls are interested in Cam, since she's hot and a sports girl..." she said, rolling her eyes.

"Well that's stupid and to bad for them, I'm not interested in them." Cam said, chewing gum. "My heart still belongs to one special girl." she said, looking at me. "My beautiful girl, Leah."

My friends looked at me, smiling. "So why aren't you together?" Kevin asked.

"Because I don't feel the same way." I said and groaned, walking away. As I was walking to my classroom, I saw T, talking to some other teachers. Seeing her like that, it made me realize she indeed was a teacher and not a friend...

I sighed and looked down, somehow that thought hurt me. I wanted her to be my friend. I wanted... I don't know what I want...

I quickly continued walking to my classroom.


During lunch, I decided to go to the library. I wasn't interested in Cam's flirting or my friends' complains about me, that I should get back together with Cam.

I saw the computers and went to one of them. I went online. I had decided I wanted to write these ideas down. If I only knew a place to do so...

I first thought about writing them down onto my laptop and just keep them for myself. But a part of me was curious. I wanted to know if people would actually read my stories.

So I decided to just do it online, on a website. I didn't know one so I searched. I typed in 'writing stories online'. I found several sites, but none was appealing to me.

I tried again 'story writing'. I pretty much got the same results. I sighed deep, how was I supposed to start this if I didn't even found a site that appealed to me...?

I tried again. I typed in 'read and share stories'. I guess I also could read some stories and I definitely wanted to share mine, so why not try that...

I scrolled down and opened a few sites. Finally I found one that seemed interesting, called Wattpad. I got through some stories, observing how people wrote stories (since I had never done that before).

I decided I liked this website. I wrote it in my phone and left, knowing I had to go to class now...


The rest of the school day went fine, until last period, Math class...

I was actually worried seeing T again. Now that I knew more about her, I felt different than other students. If that makes sense...

I just couldn't look at her as a teacher anymore, but thinking back about her and those teachers... She was definitely a teacher. Why couldn't I just calm down and concentrate on class?

It seemed T noticed something was wrong too, because she asked me to stay behind...

After class, when everyone was gone, T closed the door and went to sit down onto her desk again. "So," she started, looking at me. "Are you going to tell me what's wrong?"

I sighed deep and looked down. "Nothing's wrong, I swear."

"Then why aren't you looking at me or paying attention in class?" she asked. "Leah, I thought we were okay."

"We are okay." I said soft, still looking down, I don't know why I couldn't look at her. I think I was ashamed for making her upset.

Suddenly she pulled my face up by my chin and made me look at her. "Are you sure you're alright?"

I looked her right in the eyes and gulped, I nodded.

"Something's wrong, but you're not going to tell me, are you?" she asked to which I shook my head no.

"Alright." she said and let go of me. She walked back to behind her desk and took her stuff. "I guess you're not up for a talk today."

I sighed. "I'm sorry, T."

And right when I had said that, she smiled big. "I thought I wouldn't hear that nickname anymore."

I smiled too. "Hey, you're not getting away from me."

She smiled. "I wouldn't want to." We were silent for awhile, just looking at each other. "Can you please tell me what was wrong?"

I nodded slowly, looking down. "This morning, I saw you with other teachers. It just made me realize you're a teacher and not friend..." I said carefully, knowing she might back of because I said that.

She once again made me look at her by taking my chin. "I am your friend, Leah." she said and smiled. "Even though I am a teacher, I am also your friend. Don't forget that."

I smiled and nodded. "I won't."

After that, we both went home. T gave me a ride again, and this time, she talked some more. We had a really good conversation, it's amazing how well it clicked between us...

Once we arrived at my house, I thanked her and waved her goodbye.

I quickly made dinner, watched tv, made my homework and got upstairs to my bedroom. I took my laptop and went to Wattpad again.

I decided, before I'd write something, I'd read some stories. I typed in 'girlxgirl', because I liked those better.

Immediately there were a lot of stories. That's when I saw the option 'studentxteacher'. I didn't even hesitate, I clicked on it.

I found some stories and read some. While reading, I couldn't stop thinking about T and me. We were really good friends, she was giving me rides home and we were always talking in her classroom after school... Some stories had those things too...

I shrugged it of and went to bed. That night, I had dreams. Dreams that weren't bad, I actually liked them. I was with this girl, we were doing a bunch of romantic things. It was amazing.

 But the thing is... T was the girl...

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