Leah's POV
The weekend flew by, like always. I actually had expected to hear something from my parents, since I didn't went to their house anymore during the weekends... You'd think they'd be worried for not seeing their daughter that long. Maybe they didn't come home anymore during the weekends, which would surprise me.
Anyway, it was a new school week. Yay! I'm being sarcastic. I hate school! Well except seeing my friends and seeing T being the teacher. She looks so good when she's teaching.
So, like every morning, T and me had our morning routine. We got ready and she brought me to school. Well to our spot.
"Goodbye, baby. I love you." I said, and kissed her deeply, afterwards.
She smiled. "I love you too."
I smiled and opened the passenger door. Just when I wanted to get out of the car, T held my wrist. "What's wrong?" I asked, looking at her.
She looked down before looking up at me. "Uhm... Tonight, I won't be able to bring you home."
I sat back down and closed the door, it's so T to say things at the last moment. "Why not?"
"Because I have an appointment."
My eyebrows raised. "An appointment?"
She nodded. "I don't know when I'll be home, but I'll make sure to text you when I'm almost there." she said. "For dinner."
I nodded, what was going on here? "Where are you going? I mean, this sounds so weird."
T chuckled nervously, she's hiding something. "Baby, it's nothing, I just need to go to this appointment. I'll bring dinner, ok?"
"It doesn't look like I have much choice, does it?"
T smiled. "So, I'll see you tonight."
I nodded. "Bye." and got out of the car. T drove away afterwards. What was going on?
I walked to school, and suddenly I heard someone shout at me. "Leah!" I turned around and saw Kat. She hurried to me and smiled. "Hey, you could've come with me to school, at least then you didn't need to walk."
I smiled. "I'm fine, I can still walk. It's not that far anyway."
"Still, next time, you call me. Deal?"
I nodded. "Deal."
And so we walked in school together. "So, I was thinking..." she started.
We stopped at my classroom. "We could go out again, sometime."
I looked down, thinking about T. She didn't want me to go out with Kat. "Kat, I don't - "
"Come on Leah, it'll be so much fun!" she said, taking my hands in hers. "Please!"
Thinking back at T, she had an appointment tonight which she didn't want to tell me more about. Slowly, I nodded. "Ok. What about tonight?"
Kat's eyes widened. "Really?" she was so happy.
"Yes, we can do whatever you want."
Kat smiled and nodded. "Well we can go shop some more, I need new shoes. And afterwards I'll pay for dinner."
I smiled. "That seems amazing, but I'll have dinner at home."
"Sure." Kat said and smiled. "It's a date." she said, smiling, while walking away.
I nodded. "I'll see you then."
And so school started. It was such a long day, the hours didn't seem to tick by fast enough...
During English, Miss Stone gave me some dirty looks, probably because she didn't trust me anymore since she saw me at T's decorated classroom. But T told me she handled it.
Also when I asked her to explain something to me, she just ignored me. I mean, serious? I'm still a student, and as far as she knows, I didn't do anything wrong.
So after class, I did what I shouldn't have done. I stayed behind.
Miss Stone was busy at her desk, writing some things when I went to her. I cleared my throat, making her look up at me.
"Leah, what can I do for you?" she asked while looking at me, she looked directly into my eyes. It seemed as if she was trying to get something out of me...
"Miss, I'd like to know why you're mad at me. If I did something wrong, then I'm sorry." I said soft, I didn't want to seem like I was arrogant or something like that.
She shook her head no. "I didn't like what I saw at Miss Jacobs's classroom the other day. Kissing up to your teacher isn't something good, there are severe conse - "
"I know!" I said, a little to loud because she seemed taken back.
"Excuse me?" she said, she was getting suspicious.
"I'm sorry, Miss. But I've heard this before, and I wasn't kissing up to Miss Jacobs." Wow, saying T's last name is so weird now... "I know the consequences and I'd never want to face them."
Miss Stone seemed to like my answer. She nodded slowly. "Good."
I smiled a little. "So, is everything alright then?"
She nodded. "I suppose."
"Ok, then I'll go now."
She nodded.
"Bye." I said and walked to the exit of school, where I'd meet up with Kat. I saw her waiting for me, her back towards me. I sneaked up on her and jumped on her back. "Hey Kat!"
"Leah!" she said as she turned around and held me, smiling. "You scared me."
"That was the point of sneaking up on you." I said and laughed.
Kat looked bored. "Let's just go."
I laughed and followed her to her car. We both got in and got ready for our shopping trip.

You're mine
RomanceLeah's just a girl like another: hanging out with friends, experiencing love, having family fights and love... But what happens when her perfect world isn't that perfect anymore? And what about this teacher that always tries to help...?