Chapter 38: Serious talk

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Leah's POV

I looked at her, my eyes widened. Did she just said what I think she said...? "You what?"

She gave me a look. "You heard me."

I nodded and looked away, thinking about it.

She got up and pulled me up as well. "Come on, baby. They won't bite, I really want you to meet them."

I looked at her, the thought of meeting her parents was getting me freaked out. I knew they could have something against us, especially with me being her student. I knew T was going to side with her parents at the end, I just didn't want to lose her...

I got up and went to the couch while T stayed in the kitchen and prepared our dinner.

I sighed, I knew T really wanted this, but I was really scared. I also didn't want to disappoint her...

After awhile dinner was ready and we both sat down at the dinner table and ate. It was silent for the first few minutes.


I looked up at T, knowing she'd talk about her parents again.

She reached for my hand and showed me a small smile. "I know it's scary, I'd be nervous too to meet your parents. But I can assure you that, just like your parents, my parents aren't bad. They are really nice and I really want you to meet them."

I looked down.

"Do you at least get what I'm trying to say?"

I nodded and continued eating.

"Please talk to me."

I looked up, I saw how worried she was for me, it was actually really sweet. I smiled and squeezed her hand a little. "T, I love you so much. And I'd love to meet your parents but I'm scared they'll think less of me since I'm your student."

She sighed and patted her lap. I got up and sat down. She wrapped her arms around me and kissed my head repetitively. "You shouldn't be so insecure, baby. You're smart, beautiful, sweet, adorable, perfect."

I smiled and buried my face in her neck. "I wish I was."

She made me look at her. "You are, don't doubt it. Don't doubt me, okay?"

I nodded and sighed deep. "I'm just scared they'll come between us." I said as I looked her in the eyes. "I don't want to lose you, baby."

She showed me a small smile. "No one's ever going to come between us."


"I promise." she said and smiled.


The next few days, I prepared myself to meet T's parents. We'd meet them at their house, during a dinner. I hope they won't watch me closely.

When the day had finally arrived to meet her parents, I was a nervous wreck. I was sweating all day, my heart was beating more than usual, I was shaking sometimes. And when I'd eat during the day, I'd think about the dinner.

"Baby, we have to go now!" T shouted from downstairs, she was probably ready to go, but I wasn't.

I was looking in the mirror, I had put on my most classy outfit I had. I thought it was great but when I looked at myself... I just knew it wasn't right.


"Yeah, I'm almost done!" I groaned, what was I supposed to do? I looked around, hoping to find a solution.

Suddenly I heard whistling. I looked at the door and saw T standing there. "Baby, you look gorgeous." she said, her eyes going over my body. She must be getting turned on.

I smiled. "I don't know." I said walking to her. "I feel like it's not right."

T couldn't keep her eyes off me, that actually gave me confidence. "Baby, I don't know what you're talking about, you look beautiful."

I smirked. I walked to her. "You haven't seen what's underneath." I whispered in her ear.

Her mouth opened.

I giggled and walked past her, going downstairs. "Come on, baby, we have to go."

She walked to me and we entered the car. She was pouting.

"What's wrong?" I knew something was wrong.

She groaned. "Why would you do that?"

"Do what?"

"Getting me turned on right before we go to my parents, do you know how frustrating that is?" she said and started the engine.

I smiled, it was quite amusing to see. "Don't worry, baby. I'll take care of you tonight when we get back."

She looked at me, she seemed to have her confidence back. "I will take care of you, you mean."

"Whatever you say, baby."

Soon we arrived at her parents' house, I really didn't want to leave the car, I'd rather stay here.

"Come on, baby, we have to go." T said and exited the car.

I quickly followed her. "Baby?" I took her hand and pulled her closer, I needed one more thing before we'd do this. "I love you." I said and kissed her deeply.

She smiled after the kiss. "I love you too." she said and rang the doorbell.

The door soon opened and revealed a man and a woman, T's parents. "Talia! Oh how are you?" her mom said excited and pulled T in for a hug.

"We missed you, hon!" her dad said, hugging both T and her mom.

This really made me feel left out, T was hugging her parents while I was just standing here. As if T caught on immediately, she let go and walked in with me. "Mom, dad, this is my beautiful girlfriend, Leah." she said, introducing me to her parents. "Baby, these are my parents."

We all looked at each other. "Nice to meet you." I said extending my hand.

"Nice to meet you too." her mom and dad said, both shaking my hand. After that, there was an awkward silence.

"So, let's have dinner?" T suggested.

"Yeah, I made your favorite!" her mom said and walked to the kitchen, her dad followed. T pulled me with her to the living room and we all sat down at the dinner table. "I made you Spaghetti carbonara."

T licked her lips and we all started eating. T sat next to me while her parents sat in front of us.

"So, Leah," her dad said, making me look at him. "How long have you and Talia been dating?"

"For over two years now." I said and showed him a small smile.

"Then why do we meet you now and not way earlier?" he asked, he actually sounded angry...

"Dad, don't - "

"No, Talia, let your dad handle this." her mom said, what was going on?

"Well, we...uhm... We just wanted... We just wanted to be sure." I said, getting more and more nervous.

"Sure of what?" he asked while he and her mom looked at me.

I gulped. "About our relationship."

"So you'd get in a relationship before you're even sure that that's what you wanted?" he asked me, he was really getting angry.

I gulped more.

"Dad, stop - "

"No, Talia, let us take care of this." he said to her, afterwards he looked at me. "Well?"

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