"This is the beginning."

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I clicked my pen, shuffling the rest of the files into a neat stack for my assistants. My back relaxed on the chair, wishing that this day could get better. I checked my phone, knowing that I had a meeting with a foster home next. As on cue, my assistant came onto the intercom, reminding me of it. I set my pen next to the others, my hand buttoning up my suit jacket. Within a few minutes, my assistant ushered in the guests, seating them on the sofa in front of my desk. I quickly reviewed the file that my mother had given me before introducing myself to the foster mother. "Hello, I'm Mr. Dornan," I bluntly said. She smiled at me as she picked up the crying baby into her arms, introducing each one of the children. My eyes went to the oldest girl, her grey eyes giving it away.

"I'm Johanna, the head of the foster home," the foster mother introduced. She pointed to the girl I was looking at, "That is Theresa, she has been to foster homes all throughout her life. Quite sad isn't it?" Her grey eyes mirrored mine, showing a bit of light in them. I remembered that I was in her place once, being presented to a person that wanted to adopt like dolls. She played with the material of her skirt, blushing as her foster mother boasted about her. She looked eleven, a bit older than the rest of the children next to her. "She's a good child, oh my, a great child. The only thing that everyone looks at is her eyes, how dull they looked on such a bright child. I nodded, knowing everything from the file of the girl I was looking at. My mother was right, there's something different about her. "Mr. Dornan, do you have the child in mind that you'll like to adopt?" I nodded as my assistant, Victoria, escorted the children out. Once they were out, I handed her the file of the girl, knowing that I had to adopt her. Johanna nodded politely as she filled out the adoption papers. "Good thing I didn't drop out of law school," she exclaimed as she handed me the papers. I clicked my pen, scribbling my signature on the line. "Well if you want to take her home for the night before court, you can. She's right outside," she offered as she closed her bag.

I personally escorted her out, wanting to meet the girl with the grey eyes. She looked at me with those grey eyes, glimmering in the light. I walked to the front desk, telling my assistant that I was going home. They quickly walked into my office to grab my things, following my orders. I kneed down to her height, offering my hand. "Hello," I said as I felt her soft hand grab mine. The rest of her foster home was already going into the elevator, making her head turn to them. She watched as the elevator door close in front of her, the home that she was placed into going away. "I've been in your position before, Theresa. I know how strange this might be but I'll take care of you from now on," the corners of my mouth raised.

She held my hand, "Everyone calls me Tessa." She blushed as I mumbled her name, repeating it back to her. "Are you my new daddy?" I nodded, taking the backpack off her shoulders and looking towards my assistants that had a bag of my files.

"You wanna see your new home?" She nodded, following me into the elevator. I never let go of her hand as we descended down the building from the twentieth floor, knowing that there will be a crowd outside. Her body shuffled closer to mine as she saw the crowds of photographers in front of the building. Tyler, my main bodyguard, ushered us past the photographers. "Tessa," I blurted out as her hand gripped mine. "It'll be okay," I let go of her hand and pressed it against her shoulder, calming her. She nodded, whispering to herself as we walked into the garage. Tyler handed me the keys to my Audi before walking back to the crowd. I let her sit in the front, watching as she strapped the seat belt over her. Her hand traced the leather that lined the car, amazed at the luxury that she was in. I smiled at her, driving out of the garage and to my apartment. She sat quietly in her seat, watching as the figures of the city shown through the window.

Once I pulled into the parking lot, my eyes drifted to her, watching as her eyes fought the sleep that was overpowering her. My hand touched her shoulder, fully waking her up. Her frantic eyes looked around the area, whimpering as the city's figures disappeared. She unbuckled her belt, following my body as I entered the apartment building. Her hand clutched mine, walking into the elevator. I entered my key, the elevator taking us to my penthouse. She watched the numbers count up on the screen as we ascended up the apartment building. The doors opened and we stepped out into the grand apartment. Her eyes looked around in awe, catching as much of the apartment into her memory. "This is your new home, Tessa," I said behind her. She stood there in silence as her eyes looked around, completely ignoring my comment. "Why don't you go see your room?" She looked at me, her hand clutching mine again as I led her upstairs. We passed the locked room, my eyes drifting to it. I stopped at the end of the hall, opening the door to her room. "It's not finished yet but you can sleep here," I stated. "There's a bathroom over there and you can take a shower. There are new clothes in the closet." I turned around, her hand stopping me.

"Is your room upstairs?" I shook my head, telling her that my bedroom is downstairs. She pouted, "I sometimes have nightmares, daddy." The name she gave me took me a few moments to go into my mind. She took her backpack from my hands, walking towards the bed. I shut the door behind me as I began to walk through the hallway.

"This is the beginning."

Yes, Daddy. || in process of editingWhere stories live. Discover now