"Follow me, baby girl."

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Daddy left after that, pulling his sweatpants up and tying them like nothing happened. I pulled my sheets around my naked body, tears welling. Why did I ever let him do that? My body shivered, my hands pulling the sheets over the rest of my body. Why did he not stay with with me? My hand clutched the sheets as I wrapped them around my body, pulling my body up from the soft bed. I clutched the device that fell earlier, my thumb running across the screen. My thumb entered my password, the screen lighting up as Becca's name shown. I answered the phone, sniffling quietly, not wanting her to know that I was crying. She will never know about this. Becca's voice answered, her piping voice that everyone loved...and hated.

I didn't say anything at first, my mind spinning as the tears began to flow. "Are you crying, Tess?" My hand ran through my curls, struggling to answer her. "Tessa Grey, answer me," she demanded an answer. I pushed her away, making up another lie to get pass her question. "I just want to check up on you, Tess. Also to tell you some news on the college applications." I made a sound, the reminder of him filling out that college application for me coming to mind. He always wanted me close to him. "I think I found a university in Detroit that's nice. Plus it's somewhere from home, something different than rainy Seattle," I heard her speak into the phone. She was going away.

She ended the call after that, leaving with the thought of losing my best friend. I looked around the room, finding myself looking in the mirror of my vanity. My hand clutched the sheet, inching it away from my skin to reveal more of my skin. I sat down on my bed, laying on the soft pillows as I thought about last night. My first night with him. My mind began to rethink the events leading up to that first night; how I pleaded for more, how he kissed me in the elevator, how I kissed him back. I closed my eyes, drifting into a fantasy world.

He held his hand out, pulling me into the world. "Come," his voice echoed. I followed him, letting my body be guided by his grip. We entered the room, the color red was the only thing I could see. My hand felt the wall next to me, feeling the soft velvet on my fingertips. I looked next to me, watching him disappear into air. My head turned around, looking for him. I walked into the room, feeling the cold air rush pass me. My eyes looked above me, seeing the place where he wanted to hang me up.

Once I turned around, my face was against his. I felt his lips on mine, the softness pressing against mine. His eyes burned into mine, the color grey filling me. My hand guided across his naked chest, feeling his hard muscles. He only had his jeans on, the material unbuttoned and unzipped. I bit my lip, my hand trailing down to his crotch. He grabbed my wrist, locking something around it. I gasp, feeling his grip on me. My head tilted down, looking at my naked body. He pulled my hands above my head, locking my wrists to the chain. His grey eyes scanned my body, watching me as I struggled against the chains. He touched my shoulder, "Baby girl."

I flinched, waking up from my trip to the fantasy world. His eyes looked into mine, gazing at me as I sat up from my position. I wiped my eyes, blinking as my eyes got irritated. "Baby girl, don't cry," he sat down on the bed. His hands pulled me into his embrace, running his fingers through my hair. I smelled his scent, filling my nostrils with his strong cologne. He kissed the top of my head, tilting my face up to his. My eyes found his, watching as his grey eyes stared at me. He kissed my lips, pressing them onto mine. "Baby girl," he breathed out. I rested my head against his chest, feeling his fingers massaging my head. He held me, kissing the side of my temple and stroking my hair. I closed my eyes, falling asleep to his heavy breathing.

This time it was different. The red walls turning itself into the pictures of the city, all it's structures. My eyes looked up at the grey building in front of me, the glass panes reflecting the colors of the city back to me. It wasn't snowing. The cold, white substance not covering the streets. The air was cold and wet against my face, the rain beginning to pour down. This wasn't winter time. The holiday lights were nowhere to be seen, only the lifeless tree branches that hang empty during the rest of the year. I could see Tyler coming out of the building, his eyes drifting to the crowd of photographers in front of the building. He ushered me into the building, waving his hand to me. I began to walk, feeling something heavy keeping me down. My eyes drifted to the ground, finding a heavy dress around covering my legs. I held the dress up with my hand, walking across the street to the company's lot. My heels clicked as I walked along the pavement, walking quickly to where the lights were. I felt the flashes of photographers on my face, letting them take a picture of every breath I take.

My eyes hurt from the cameras, quickly walking into the building. I calmed myself down when I pressed the elevator button to the twentieth floor. My breathing was faster as the doors opened, revealing the empty waiting room to Daddy's office. I pushed the door to his office open, my eyes wandering to him. He switched his grey suit with a more darker one, matching his black mask that he covered half of his face. "You're here," he said as he turned around. I blushed, not knowing that my grey eyes stared at him. I've never seen him in any color suit either than grey. The black that he wore made his eyes darker than usual, the blue that glimmered whenever he was happy disappearing. He held out his hand, pulling me closer to him. "Follow me, baby girl."

{only one update today. sorry i've been really busy today so i didn't get to write that much. make sure to share this story, vote, and give feedback ☺️ love you}

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