"Mr. Dornan will see you now."

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*seven years later*

"You cannot do that to me, Becca!" I yelled into my phone, not wanting her to go to another college in California. My fingers quickly typed on the keyboard of my laptop, going through another college in Washington State. I heard her chuckle into her phone, laughing at my childishness. "Rebecca, you can't leave me and go to California. Who would come and take care of me when I'm sick?" I pouted even though I knew she would see my face, feeling defeated. "There's a lot of colleges close to Washington," I breathed. "Becca, you're my best friend. Oh, the only best friend that I've had since I moved here. I don't want to lose contact with you."

I heard her voice through the phone, "I mean what would I do after college? I guess I could try and look at colleges in this area." I relaxed, the anxiety of losing my best friend completely going away. "What about WSU?" I sat up in my chair, my fingers typing it into the search bar while holding the phone in the crook of my neck. "It's nice, I guess," she said. Another phone call interrupted ours, my mind letting go of the image of the Washington State University campus.

I read the contact name that shown across my phone, "Sorry, my dad's calling." She groaned as I quickly transferred the call to him. "Hello," I spoke after I answered his call. "Is there something you want, Daddy?" It took him a while to answer my question, the only thing I could hear was the sound of his fingers against his laptop.

"Baby girl," he said after moments of silence. "Can you drop by Daddy's office before you go to your tutor? Daddy has something to give you," he said through the phone. "I'll have Tyler go pick you up, baby girl." I chuckled into the phone, telling him that I could drive and that I was almost eighteen. "Alright, you can drive one of my cars to the Grey House. Daddy has a meeting to get to right now. Bye, baby girl." He hung up before I had the chance to tell him goodbye. I knew how busy he was, hurrying himself from meeting after meeting. I closed the lid of my laptop, my eyes looking out the window that was above my desk. My grey eyes followed each winter snowflake as it fell down, following its journey from the sky to the ground. I never liked the winters in Seattle, the heavy snowstorms that kept everyone in. The weather too cold, making the people of Seattle wear layers and layers of clothing to stay warm.

I pushed the laptop away from me, pulling the desk drawer toward me. My hand felt the leather material of my journal, how rich it felt as the pads of my fingertips ran across the surface. I picked up my ink pen, flipping to a clean page as I started a new entry:

Dear diary,

The coldness of Seattle mirrored my life. It was like looking into a pond and seeing your own distorted reflection. I never knew how cold the color grey could be until I found Daddy. It was like he doesn't have a full explanation, just in between the colors of black and white. Never clear. He never told me about his past, the only thing I knew was he was adopted by grandma and grandpa when he was young. Every question about his past was shot down with him changing the subject.

He's always cold to others, never letting them into his life. Except me. He will slowly let me into his life, telling me little things about him. I always remembered each little thing about him; how he would always trace his lower lip with his pointer and middle finger when he's thinking, how he would sometimes zone out in the middle of each meeting, or how he would want to do something but forget right as he would do that task. It's always the little things that satisfy me about him, making him stand out instead of being the cold hearted billionaire that everyone in Washington State knows about. Even though he doesn't realize it, his little things make his baby girl love him even more.

Tessa Grey

I stopped writing, letting the ink disperse from my pen and make a black dot in the middle of the page. My mind wandered off again, finding another snowflake to follow. I shook my mind, focusing on what I should do. My body lifted itself off of the chair, walking out of my room and into the bathroom. I stripped my body, turning the hot water on as I stepped in. My hand closed the door behind me, letting the hot water splash my body. I moaned as the hot water relaxed my shoulders, shielding me from the cold with hot gushing water. It didn't take long until I stopped the hot gushing water, stepping out and onto the cold tile. My hand contacted with the soft towel, drying my body off.

I stepped out of the building, the sweater that I was wearing not providing me with any warmth. I buttoned up my trench coat, wrapping the scarf tighter around my neck as I quickly walked towards the car. My hand unlocked the car, quickly getting into the vehicle. The leather seats did not help during any season; the summer making them too hot, the winter making them too cold. I turned on the engine, my fingers immediately turning on the heat. My hand gripped the steering wheel, feeling the luxury of my dream car. This was the car that Daddy drove me when we first met. I began to drive out of the parking lot, making my way to the Grey House.

I never knew the reason why my last name wasn't Dornan, it was a question that I've had for years. Grandma stuck with her maiden name when she married grandpa but why did Daddy put that last name in the adoption papers? The question haunted my mind until I pulled into the parking garage at Daddy's company. The coldness engulfed me again, chilling me through the layers of clothing I wore. My boots shuffled in the building, shaking off the mixture of snow and salt onto the mat. I took off my coat, laying it neatly on my arm as I pressed the elevator button. Everyone I passed smiled at me, knowing who I am. Tessa Grey. The sound of the elevator shuttered me, my eyes looking forward. I walked out of the elevator, taking my beanie off. Victoria noticed me right away, lifting herself up from her desk. "Miss Grey," she breathed out. I looked around the waiting room, noticing that Daddy has a busy day in front of him. "Mr. Dornan will see you now."

Yes, Daddy. || in process of editingWhere stories live. Discover now