"Bye, baby girl."

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My eyes found hers as she entered my office, her hands pushing the heavy door. I closed the file I was reading, completely focused on her. It reminded me of the first time my eyes found hers, curious at how the grey would affect me. I felt the corners of my mouth raise, only for a moment, as I looked at her appearance. She never liked the Seattle winters, despised them because of how much clothing everyone had to wear just to keep warm. Now she stands right in front of me wearing layers of clothing, the smile on her face prominent. Her mind completely forgot about how she hated the winter weather, how badly she wanted to have winters somewhere else. For moments I am sitting here, admiring the girl in front of me like I've never seen her before, copying the moments where our worlds collided. I could see the sweat that began to run down her face, the layers of clothing and the company's heating fighting with her body.

I sat upright in my chair, "Hello, baby girl." My eyes watched as color filled her cheeks, blushing as she looked at me. She began walking towards my desk, sitting down on the chair in front of it. "Is everything alright, baby girl?" She nodded as she played with the material of her beanie, feeling the softness in her hands. I knew she was tired from college applications, her hooded eyes showed it. That question was unnecessary, I already knew the answer, even though she lied. She ran her fingers through her hair, brushing out the frizzy parts of her curls. "What university do you want to go to?" She looked up, the glimmer in her grey eyes showing.

"I think I might apply to WSU but that's closer to Portland, Daddy," she replied. I nodded, bringing out a file that I already filled out for her. "Daddy," she breathed out as her eyes landed on the flag of the University. Her hands grabbed the file from my hand, her fingertips running across the plastic cover. She asked as her eyes looked up from the papers, "You filled out the application already?" I nodded, telling her to look through them. "How did you know that I wanted to go to Washington State?" I always knew, baby girl. Washington State was a university I knew she would want to go to. She always wanted to be close to home. I had connections with the university and called them for a form to fill out, knowing that this university was in her mind. She chuckled, "I don't even know what I should major in, Daddy."

I shook my head, "Major in English, baby girl. Daddy knows you love to write, especially since the amount of time you spend in your journal." She bit her lip, embarrassed that I caught her writing in her book of secrets. "I've read the papers from your school, the letters that you've written for class. Your school teachers say that you'll be a good candidate if you applied for WSU," I twirled my pen in my hand. She flipped through the file, running her finger along each line of words. I heard my phone ring, my hand picking it up to see who it was. My meeting is in a few minutes. "Daddy has to go, baby girl." She caught my hand as I walked to grabbed a file, her curious self asking me what was it that I wanted to give her. My hand got the car key from my desk, giving it to her. Our hands touched as she reached for the key, "Happy birthday, baby girl." This time, I knew the corners of my mouth raised into a smile, looking at how amazed she was.

"You bought me a car for my birthday?" Her grey eyes were wide open, her thumb tracing the Audi logo.

I nodded my head, letting her ask me questions. "I know that you've been driving Daddy's cars for the past two years and I wanted to give you something new. It's in the parking lot next to Daddy's car. You can leave the car that you drove over here and I'll let Tyler that care of that," I answered. She couldn't talk, I could only hear the short breaths she took. She breathed out a 'thank you' as her hand took out the key for the car she drove. I missed that look that was shown across her face, the only time I saw that expression was years ago when I first adopted her.

I called out her name from the kitchen, placing two plates of food on the counter. "Tessa!" I called out again, going to get a wine glass from the cabinet. My head turned as I heard little footsteps climb down the stairs. I walked into the main room, my eyes looking at hers as her tiny hand ran down the railing. She wore her pajamas, her hair still wet from the shower. Her hand clutched a teddy bear, carrying it with her as she followed me to the kitchen. "I made you something to eat, Tessa," I held her hand as she climbed on the bar stool. Her fingers grasp the fork, spinning the pasta. I looked in the fridge, grabbing the water filter and pouring her some. My hand reached for the wine bottle, pouring it into my glass. Her eyes looked at me, watching me as I sat down next to her. She watched as my grey eyes glanced at her every now and then, seeing if she was okay. "Tell me about you, Tessa," I said in between bites of food.

She wiped her mouth with the napkin that I provided her, chewing the rest of her food. "I never told anyone my story," her tone showed me nervousness. I wiped my mouth, placing my hand on her back. She didn't flinch, unlike me when someone touches my skin. "and I don't want to tell you, yet." Yet? She pushed the plate of unfinished food away from her, her hands going for the glass of water. I reached for my wine glass, sipping it as she gulped down the glass of water. I smiled, watching as her needy fingers grasped her stuffed bear into her embrace. "This is the only thing I have left," she informed. I nodded, remembering when I grasped onto the only thing I had left when I was adopted; my scars.

"Tessa, I was adopted when I was young. When I read your file, I was astounded about your past. You don't have to worry about this, about me. I know this is situation is a bit weird, I've been in your place before," I assured her. She shook her head, clutching the stuffed animal in her arms. "Let me tell you a little about me, Tessa," I said. "I come from a very dark past, something that I relive everyday. I remember that face. How white it was as the light came through the blinds. I reviewed your file many times, and I read the story about your past over and over. You can trust me, Tessa," I told her. She smiled, her eyes shinning bright with a mixture of blue and grey. "Here, I have something for you," I walked over to the sofa area. My hands clutched the device, bringing it to her. I handed the tablet to her, her tiny hands grabbing it. "I don't have that much in this apartment, there isn't even a TV in the living room. Well, I know your birthday is coming up so I got you this," I watched as she turned the device on. Her face lit up, the look that was shown across her face bringing me happiness.

That same look always brought me happiness, the strange emotion creeping up to me. I could see her bite her lower lip, controlling the overwhelming happiness of getting her new car. "Okay, you can go to tutoring, baby girl," I said as my hand clutched the laptop. "I did hire another tutor for you, someone actually your age now," I turned around. "He'll be at our apartment, just wait in the lobby for him," I pressed my lips against her temple. She nodded her head, putting on her beanie. "Bye, baby girl." She hugged me goodbye, pressing her head into the crook of my neck.

{tbh i miss my 70k reads and i really miss all of the lovely comments. hope i can have that back bc i'll be really nice. make sure to vote, comment, and share this fanfic ☺️ all the love}

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