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It took a while to locate the new car, my thumb pressing the unlock button three or four times until I passed by the dark-grey Audi, similar to Daddy's. I picked up the note that was pinned down on one of the windshield wipers, opening up the card. It took me a while to realize Daddy's handwriting, the foreign somehow neat print of letters he wrote out. I knew he never written to someone personally on paper, always typed out with his printed signature at the bottom. My teeth bit down on my lower lip as I read the message:

To my Tessa Grey,

Daddy is really happy about his little baby girl turning eighteen. Daddy has realized that you really liked driving the grey Audi. Every time Daddy wasn't using it, you've always used it, driving it like it was your own. It might look identical to Daddy's but Daddy knows that you will make it your own. Daddy's little baby girl, happy birthday.


He never ended his letters to anyone like that, stating a name that the other person used. I blushed, feeling special like I was categorized as someone, not another. I wasn't another employee, another human being, another client. My hand ran up the side of the car, studying it's features like a scale model in biology. The new car felt strange. It wasn't another car that I borrowed from Daddy, it was my own. I thought to myself, I should get going before the new tutor thinks I bailed on him. My subconscious laughed, knowing that the Tessa Grey it was inside was never late. It took me a while before I finally entered the key into the ignition, the moments that I wasted spent on admiring the leather. When I started the engine, I noticed another letter that was on top of the dashboard. My cold fingertips touched the letter, opening it to reveal more of Daddy's handwriting. It looked beautiful. So perfect.

To my Tessa Grey again,

Daddy always knew you hated to love the scent of peppermint. That's why you should smell it...Now. To my surprise, the scent of peppermint did linger into my nostrils. Baby girl, Daddy knows exactly how you would find this letter. And all the letter that were hidden inside this car. You might find the third letter quite quickly like the first two but the rest will be a mystery. A mystery of the unknown. How easy you'll find them all depends on the places you look. Have fun, baby girl.


I find myself biting my lip again, knowing that I'm sitting in a car full of letters Daddy wrote to me. All of Daddy's work. My hands gripped the steering wheel as I drove out of the parking lot, leaving a space between Daddy's car and his bodyguards' car. I looked around the city as I passed its structures, how a work of art everything is in Seattle. My grey eyes watched as a structure of art disappeared and then another one come into my gaze, it was never ending. My drive back home was stopped when I decided to admire one of the art structures by the museum, parking my new car by the others. It stood out from the other dull cars. It's shiny, new outside differ from the others that had snow in the crook of their windshields. My hand went up and adjusted my beanie, then adjusted the strap of my bag. I created my own footprints in the snow as I walked to the structure, my gloved hands touching the side. There were other people here too, their calm eyes looking at the built art while the children play at the park next to the museum. The museum was like an adult park.

Before I parked into the garage, I decided to get hot chocolate like we always did in the winter. I smiled at how much I thought of Daddy each day, how everything I touch reminds me of him. My fingers turned the key out of the ignition, taking the seatbelt off of my body. I realized that the seatbelt was caught on something as it didn't lay flat against the inside of the car. My eyes went to the letter that was taped onto the back of my seat, something that I didn't realize until right now. I whispered his name as I opened the letter. "Daddy."

To my Tessa Grey,

Daddy knew that you were going to find this letter third. It looked like an easy place to hide it but a little bit of a challenge for you to not notice. Daddy knows that you'll notice when you unbuckle your seatbelt, realizing that it was caught on something. How did he know? Did it take long for you to notice? Or did you find it out when you unbuckled your seatbelt to go somewhere else? I did unbuckle the seatbelt once, to go to the museum, but it didn't get caught on the note. How did he make it happen? You went to the museum, didn't you? Wanting to see the structure in person. How did he know? The questions that filled my mind as I looked around the car. Now you're looking around the car to see if I have a human tracker following you. The answer is no, I don't have someone following you. There's a but... I had someone wait at your favorite museum you always stopped at, knowing that you wanted to see the holiday sculptures since they set it up. He was one of my bodyguards, unlocking the car and taping this letter to the back of your seat. Oh, baby girl, the things that you'll find out about me.


I closed the letter, slipping it into my purse as I opened the door. My face felt the cold air rush pass it, making me a shivering mess. I locked the car, quickly walking towards the apartment building. My eyes caught someone in the lobby, waiting for another person. He looked familiar, someone that went to my school. I greeted the Santa that was stood in front of the apartment building, my hand pushing the door open. My hand shook off the fallen snowflakes that landed on my coat, also taking off the beanie. Once my eyes caught the boy that was waiting there, I knew that we've crossed paths before. I drew a breath as his green eyes looked into my grey ones. Trevor.

{hi, i miss you}

Yes, Daddy. || in process of editingWhere stories live. Discover now