"Good morning, baby girl."

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My eyes peeled opened, opening to the bright light that shown through the blinds. I turned my head, seeing Tessa right that beside me. Her hair was covered parts of her face, the beauty in her being covered my brown waves. I couldn't control myself. How could I let myself do this to her? She stirred in her sleep, turning her head away from mine. Was this a sign that I did something wrong? The thought of seeing her in pain bringing me to rethink what I did. She opened her eyes, the grey in her eyes matching mine. "Good morning, baby girl." I could feel the warmth of her smile, showing that she was okay. She was alright. As she sat up, her hand clutched the sheet around her. "This is wrong, baby girl." She shook her head, moving closer to me.

She kissed me, taking the lead. She kissed me. "It felt so right, Daddy," she whispered as our lips disconnected. It felt so right but I knew it was so wrong. "Please, Daddy," she pleaded. Her hand wrapped around my neck, making me flinch away. She tried again, tilting my head to her direction. Her lips pressed against mine, her hand pulling me into her. My heart raced as she touched my skin, how foreign her touch was. I moved my hand to her waist, pulling her into me as our lips moved together. "This is our secret and no one is going to know about us," she promised. I felt reassured, pecking her lips once more. She looked into my guilty eyes, wrapping her arms around my neck.

I lifted myself off of the bed, pulling my boxers up. My eyes looked at her, how beautiful she looked under my sheets. The corners of my mouth raised to form a smile, my eyes looking at her before I walked into my closet. My hands touched the drawer, letting it open by a little bit of force. I pulled out two shirts; one for me and one to cover her nude body. Once I covered myself with new clothing, I walked back into the room with a shirt and a pair of new boxers. My eyes looked at her, how she was placed under those sheets. I set the clothes next to her, watching as she rose up from her position.



I pulled on the pair of boxers, my hands grabbing the shirt from the bed. My legs felt like jelly, numb from the events of last night. I walked out into the main room, my bare feet traveling to the kitchen. My eyes found him, watching as he pulled out ingredients for breakfast. I sat on the bar stool, watching as he fumbled with cooking. "You haven't cooked in years, Daddy," I chuckled. He looked back at me, his eyes pleading for help. I took control, letting him watch as I cooked his favorite breakfast. "You can help by putting bread into the toaster," I offered him, "and please stop staring at me." I turned around, gasping as his face was in front of mine. He grinned, watching me as I caught my breath. I bent down to get two plates from the lower cabinet, bringing out two white plates for us. I could feel his eyes on me. When I stood up, I could feel Daddy's hands around my waist.

He pulled me in his embrace, pecking my lips carefully. "Need any help, baby girl?" He grabbed the spatula from my hand, stirring the eggs that I started to cook. I leaned against the counter, watching him as he cooked. He turned off the heat, plating the food nicely. I sat down on the bar stool, waiting for him to set the plate of food in front of me. My teeth bit the inside of my cheek, watching him spread butter on his piece of toast. "Eat, baby girl," he ordered. I chuckled, picking up the fork and shoving some of the eggs in my mouth. My eyes looked at him, seeing his eyes on me. I quickly swallowed, blushing in embarrassment as I wiped my mouth clean. He smiled, taking a bite of his toast as I looked away from him. I pushed my plate away from my body, sipping my glass of orange juice. "Finish your food, baby girl," he ordered. Control freak, I laughed to myself.

His eyes looked into mine as he gulped down his drink, the grey burning into my skin. His eyes can make anyone jump. He kept his gaze on me as I stood from the bar stool, making my way to the stairs. "I'm going to get my phone from upstairs," I called as he turned from his spot. My head turned around as I entered the main room, catching a final glance of his grey eyes before turning back around. I let my hand run up the railing as I walked up the steps, feeling the jolt of pain that struck up my leg. How could he make me so sore? My hand pulled myself up to the final step, quietly wincing as I walked down the hallway. I passed the room that he shown me last night, the s*x dungeon. My head turned away from that room, my feet walking faster. I never knew he was a sadist. I opened the door to my bedroom, going to pick up my phone. Once I turned my phone on, I could see all the messages from Becca that I missed. I was startled as my phone rang in my hands, her name shown across the screen. "Hello," I answered.

I waited until she yelled in my ear, "Hey, Tess. Why didn't you answer all my text messages last night? What were you doing?"

My teeth bit my lip, nervous at what I was going to tell her. Is she going to believe my excuse? "We went to the Dornan manor after the party and I couldn't get to my phone," I finally answered. I bit my lip, thinking that the excuse would get me by. The wait was painful, the anxiety of not knowing if my lie got through. My heartbeat slowed down when she started talking about the party, taking my lie as the truth. I never lied to her before...but I have to. My arms crossed as she explained the dilemma between her and her boyfriend. I held in a chuckle realizing that their fight was over what she wanted to watch as the movies. "I never knew that he'll be like that," I went along as she groaned. My hand ran through my hair, opening the door. Daddy's eyes looked into mine as the door swung open, to my surprise they shown a little blue this time. "Um...I have to go, Bec," I said as he signaled me to hang up. "Yeah, it's important."

I hung up the call, hearing her groan instead of a lovely goodbye. She never was a fan of goodbyes. Ironic since she has said goodbye to half of the high school jocks when she dated them. I looked into his eyes, watching as he pushed his way into the room. He pushed my lips into mine, roughly kissing me. "You. Me. Bed. Now."

{more smut coming in jamie's point of view. hope you'll like it. make sure to leave feedback and vote 😊 also share it to your friends that love something different with fanfics}

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