"To my Jamie Dornan."

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I ended the letter, my fingers folding the paper in half and tucking it under the plate. My phone rang in my pocket, Becca's name blinking across the screen. I answered it, chuckling as she practically screamed in my ear. "Well, hello, Rebecca," I responded after getting off of the bar stool.

"Don't Jamie Dornan me," she scoffed at me.

I raised an eyebrow, "Jamie Dornan you?" What was that? I held in a laugh, wanting an explanation of why she used Daddy's name as a verb.

She cleared her throat, "To Jamie Dornan a person is to act like your father, Jamie Dornan. Or a rich person who is very blunt and doesn't have time for an interview even though it's for a high school that his adoptive daughter attends." She sucked in a breath, the definition of the adjective she made up making her breathless.

I chuckled, listening to her gasping for air. "People are trying to get a hold of my father?" Probably for the end of the year paper for graduation.

She made a sound, saying yes. "Since your dad is one of the most richest men in Washington State, the person who gets to interview him will get to make a speech at graduation. It's our English teacher's decision but whoever gets a hold of five minutes with Mr. Dornan, gets the interview." I thought about it, even knowing that I probably won't be in the running. Well since I see him everyday and can have more than five minutes with him. "I think you can do it, too. He gave the project last week but it was posted on the bulletin board, probably no one even looks there." I could get that interview within this week, probably have the paper done by tomorrow. "Hello, Tessa," she got my attention.

I blinked, "Yeah, I'm here. I'm just thinking about writing that paper, but I don't know. It seems unfair."

"Ugh, now I forgot what I actually wanted to tell you. Well, can you pick me up? My car was taken away by my dad because he found my conversation with a guy."

I cut her off, not wanting to hear about the conversation between her and her new boyfriend. Or another guy that she met online. She chuckled, ending the phone call. I exhaled, slipping the device back into my pocket. My eyes glanced at the door to Daddy's room, wanting to go and have a glimpse of him before going to school. I opened the door to his room, revealing his sleeping body. The sheet was barely over him, only a bit of the blue material covering his crotch. I pulled the sheet over him, covering more of his skin. My eyes scanned his body, chuckling as his snored loudly. I carefully pressed my lips against his cheek, something I haven't done since I was little. My eyes glanced at him once more before I closed the door, catching a glimpse of him. I grabbed the keys from the front table, pressing the button to the lobby.

I parked my car in front of Becca's house, letting her know that I was here. My eyes saw her body come out of the house, her hand waving to me. "Hey," she said as she sat in the passenger seat. "Nice car, Tess," she chimed. I nodded, driving off to school. She took out her journal, her notes piling up on the first page. "I have questions for your interview with Mr. Dornan, you know, because I know that the English teacher will say yes," she said. I parked the car in my usual parking spot, turning off the engine. "I actually would love the interview with him but he's too intimidating, like his eyes can burn through me." I chuckled, shaking my head as I took off my seatbelt. My hand lifted the piece of paper, scanning the questions that she made up. "We better get going if you want to get the interview," she left the car. I followed her, locking the door behind us.

Yes, Daddy. || in process of editingWhere stories live. Discover now