"To my Tessa Grey."

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My head looked up to admire the giant building that was in front of me, my grey eyes climbing up the structure to the twentieth floor. I breathed out, feeling the rain drip down on my face. My hand held the note that he wrote for me, the thin piece of paper crumbling in my palm. I quickly walked into the building, shivering from the cold rain that covered my body. My hand pressed the elevator button, waiting for it to ascend to the twentieth floor. I breathed out as the elevator opened, revealing the assistants of Daddy's. My thumb ran across the indentations that the ink made on the letter, imagining how Daddy would focus on hiding letters in places where he knew I would find. I unfolded the letter once I sat down in the waiting room, finding the black ink smearing from the wet rain. I should've kept this safe. My voice was raspy and quiet as I read the beginning of the letter, "To my Tessa Grey." I could hear his voice echo through my head as my eyes scanned the note he wrote. "I've always thought that there was something different with you. Since you stepped into my office, I knew that you were the only one who stood out. It was fascinating how alike we are, not that it is a good thing that we're alike. I know you. The other morning that I told you that I can't control myself, I was telling the truth. I've always kept control of myself, except when I'm around you. If I lose my control, I will get you hurt. Mentally and physically. From your Jamie Dornan."  

"Mr. Dornan will see you now," Victoria said, making me look up from the note. I quickly folded it, standing up and following her to the office doors. She pushed it open for me, revealing Daddy's clean office. He looked mysterious in his grey suit; his back facing the door as he leaned against the window railing. His head turned around as Victoria shut the door behind me, his grey eyes staring into mine. So intimidating. He began walking in my direction, stopping a foot away from my body. His face leaned in, running his hand through my hair as he breathed out. I could feel my heart beating faster as he inched closer to my face, pressing his lips on the corner of my mouth. He let my arms go, leading me to his desk. I watched him as he leaned against his desk, scanning his suited body. 

A box was set on his desk behind him, the white lid open. His hands clutched the box, moving closer to me so I could see the white envelope that was taped on the inside. He asked me as he sat down next to my chair, "Did you send this to me, baby girl?" I shook my head, bringing out the small box that I was going to give him. He paused for a bit, placing the box on the side table. "You didn't?" I nodded, not recognizing the package that he showed me. My hand ran across the white envelope that was placed inside, opening it to reveal a foreign message inside. I know your secret. My eyes looked at him, folding the note back up and placing it inside the box. 

I set the box that I was going to give to him on the side table, thinking about who could've sent that letter. His hand clutched the box in his hand, feeling the black velvet that was different from the white box he received from an anonymous. I watched him as he pulled out the tie that I wrapped up in the box, his grey eyes looking at me. He looked back into the box, pulling out the next note that I wrote him. I watched as his eyes flickered when he read the folded letter that was under his tie, stating the text aloud. "Dear my Jamie Dornan, there's something about the grey inside your irises. I find myself getting lost in the grey, my mind traveling back to the same place everyday. There's something about that shade of grey in your eyes. Coming up with what to write to you is challenging, also placing them in areas where it would be hidden for you. This is something that you've left in my room last night. From your Tessa Grey." 

He looked back into my eyes, the grey becoming darker as he gazed in mine. His hand placed the box next to him, biting his lip as he kept looking at me. "Can we start the interview now, Daddy," I breathed out as I felt even more intimidated by the darkness of his eyes. He stood up, his broad shoulders showing underneath his grey suit. He looked professional in his suit, intimidating everyone that is sat in front of him. I stared at him, the taping of his pen against his desk making my heart beat faster. He waited for my question, looking at me as I fumbled with the folded sheets of questions. I inhaled, finding one of Becca's lists of questions and reading it out to him. "Okay, when did you know that you wanted to form Grey Enterprises?" 

He traced his bottom lip with his two fingers as he looked at me, answering my question. "I dropped out of college to start a business which formed into Grey Enterprises. I've always known that I wanted to go into business but didn't think about it that much," he said before Victoria entered with tea and coffee for us. I quietly thanked her as Daddy looked at me with his lips pursed, waiting for her to exit the office. 

His eyes made me distracted from the interview, making me quickly focus myself back onto the questions. "Are you gay?" My eyes were wide as I finished that sentence, going back down to see if I read it right. Why would Becca put that in?" I blushed in embarrassment, trying to go onto the next question. He kept looking at me, watching my cheeks blush in crimson. "Um...sorry," I stuttered as everything was going wrong. His intense, grey eyes looked into mine, pausing for a moment before taking his coffee cup from the desk. I could feel my heart race as he scanned my body, reminding me of when I first met him. Everything was the same as it was back then; the chairs, his suit, his eyes. He never changed. 

I followed him out of the elevator, looking around at everyone who passed us. He held my hand as we walked out of the lobby of his apartment complex, leading me to the car that he was previously driving. I wore the new clothes that he set for me in the wardrobe, feeling the new fabric on my body. He let me ride in the passenger seat, waiting for me to strap myself in before driving off. I looked at each part of the city as we passed, distracting myself as I felt his grey eyes on me. My head turned to him, watching him as he stopped driving and started gazing into my eyes. I remembered that the previous night I called him Daddy, knowing that he was adopting me. The word felt foreign to me as it fell out of my mouth, myself never using that word. I muttered under my breath, quiet enough that he couldn't hear. "Daddy." 

{i wasn't feeling well yesterday so i couldn't update. thanks for voting and reading. make sure to vote, comment, and share this fanfic to other fellow jamie dornan lovers. *inserts cute picture of jamie dornan smiling with his bright eyes*} 

Yes, Daddy. || in process of editingWhere stories live. Discover now