T H I R T Y - T H R E E

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A F T E R N O O N  S T R O L L


Everything felt weird.

I was standing alone on a lonely carnival. It felt like I was back on the intramurals. Banners everywhere, food stands here and there except, I know for certain I wasn't in the premises of the school but inside an abandoned carnival.

Some cobwebs settled in some stands, dust flew around and broken bulbs linger ahead, and yet, why am I holding some kind of cotton candy. It was fluffy, and cherry red in color.

Was I in a dream? Does a cotton candy this color even exist?

I grinned. It's good that even in my dreams I'm still carrying along good food. I sat down on a carnival horse and was about to take a large bite when all of a sudden my cotton candy was gone and standing in front of me was a stupid smirking Brian.

"Hey! Why'd you steal my cotton candy?!" I stood up glaring at him. I do not appreciate it when someone takes away my sweets. He just laughed and stuck out his tongue at me, I made a move to grab the cotton candy in his hands but he blocked me.

"Stupid man-girl, if you want to get back what I have stolen, you'll have to kiss me." The devil murmured with a wicked grin.

"W-What?!" I flushed. "I-I don't want to!" I protested with embarrassment.

"Really? Guess I have to eat it then." He made a move and popped the cotton candy in his mouth but I drastically tried to stop him.

"Okay, Okay! Fine you win! But just one kiss though okay?" I grumbled but sighed in defeat. His grin just got widened then as if automatically granted permission, he moved closer.

I felt my face heat up a hundred degrees and my heart started to hammer crazily.

I've got no choice, I've got no choice, and I'm not taking advantage of him or something.

I kept on repeating in my head all over again like a stupid chant as he got ever closer to my face.

"What? Aren't you going to close your eyes and pucker up even a bit?" He whispered.

I flushed harder and I think my heart stopped when he moved in and I found myself automatically closing my eyes when –

"Hey stupid! What the heck are you puckering about? It creeps me out, you look disgusting! Yeesh!"

I woke with a start. Because my pesky brother hit me hard with a pillow.

"H-Huh? Who?W-What?"

I squinted my eyes. So it was all just a weird freaking dream after all.

"I said get up your eweness! It's already 7:10 and mom told me to wake you up or you'll be late for your first day of class!" He crossed his arms and scowled.

I quickly glanced at my alarm clock to see if it was true, indeed, it was already 7:10. I shot up from the bed.

Flag ceremonies starts at 7:30 and if you're late, you'll get to have a special ticket to the discipliner's office.

Stupid Brian. Even in my dreams he just can't stop pestering me.

Maybe because I haven't seen him for 2 months because of the summer break? He appears in my dreams every night. Is this what missing someone is about? Especially if that person is spe –

"Argh! Curse boys and their habits of being annoying!!!" I screamed as I ran towards the bathroom.

"Hey I heard that you know!" My brother retorted.

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