F I F T Y - S E V E N

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I slowly walked towards the faniliar street of Brian's house. I haven't been here for years and many things have certainly changed.

Paints of the houses, some structures. I remember I used to visit this block when we were kids, just goes to show how fast things could change.

Just like my relationship with Brian.

I pulled myself together. A girl's got to do what a girl's got to do. The crying could come by later.

I found myself in front of a huge gate. With a long wall encircling Brian's private property.

I forgot that guy is filthy rich. And all these years he doesn't want to show it. He has all luxurious cars but rides public transportation to school, he tries to hide it desperately.

That's one thing I loved about him I guess. Being down to earth even though all the girls could swoon im his arms. Brian was the perfect guy and I failed to see it, now I'm loosing him.

I bit my lip, the tears threatening to come again, I willed my finger to push the buzzer but for some reason, the large gate moved to open even before I pushed the damn button.

Brian's brown eyes greeted me, his messy black hair getting blown gently by the night breeze. He was wearing a midnight blue hoodie and some rugged pants like he's out for some walk, also a black sneakers.

Damn!Does he look good in everything he wears? No matter how simple his clothes are.

He leaned on the open gate and stared at me.

He doesn't look surprise alright. Now that I think about it, I did phone Cristie ahead. I expected Brian to reject my request but here he is, ever the gentleman to show up even though all I did to him was being a bitch.

I inhaled. He's familiar scent too intoxicating. Guess I am really head over heels huh?

"Hi..." I swallowed. Did I just said -

"Hey..." He nodded.

"C-could I talk to you about something?"

"That's what I came out for. Mind if we take a walk?" He suggested while closing the gate behind him.


                       - ++ - ++ - ++ -
Brian and I walked to the site near the river located at their village. It was a mini-picnic park for people who live here.

During weekends, many families would gather here and have some barbecue parties.

But tonight, as the full moon rises in the sky and its reflection shining in the river, everything looked serene.

Brian slowly sat in the grass and he held my hand to help me down. We were quiet, listening to the sounds of nature surrounding us.

I took up the courage and spoke first;

"I saw you at the elementary building a while ago."

Brian nodded. He didn't even denied it.

"I-I s-saw you k-kissed h-her..." I swallowed. My breath was already hitching and the tears are threatening to fall again.

"I did." He spoke softly. As if reminiscing the memory.

What hurts is not the fact that he didn't denied it. It was the fact that thinking about that girl was placing a kind of dreamy expression on Brian's face. It was like he cherished that memory.

Part One: My Other Half  [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now