T W E N T Y - S I X

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This is really a coincidence, believe me. I didn't even planned on going to the last day of Intramurals, but coach called me for a scolding.

It appears that because of my absence, the team lost. Thankfully, the other heads of the team defended me and said that there were many players on the team, if our team was really competent, we wouldn't need to rely on the screaming of my fans to distract the other team.

Coach was clearly pissed off but he let this one pass, but I'm pretty sure he's going to grill this one on me during practice. Maybe I should think of another club to join in?

Anyway, Cristie called me and told me that some guy was hovering over Arya.

I know! My sister could be... weird sometimes, but I admit, I suddenly went King-Kong mode.

"Where are you right now?! I'm coming there don't move an inch?!"

*Oh! I think the guy's going to kiss Arya, call you later bye!*

"WHAT?!! HELLO?! CRISTIE?!!" She hung up on me. Ugh! I ran ready to find them even if I have to search every space in the campus.

Imagine my utter surprise when I finally found Cristie, she was hugging Arya.

I was ready to ask her about the "Kissing incident" but her devilish grin told me everything I should know.

Ugh! This annoying sister of mine!

I'm not really sure if I should thank her for bringing Arya to me, or should I pulverize her for making fun of my feelings.

Wait - what feelings?


I don't know what to say. Do I say hi? Could I still do that much even after I told him that it's better for us if we stay strangers?

"By the way brother, we were enjoying our afternoon! Would you like to join us?" Cristie waggled her eyebrows. Ugh! This kid knows too much!

"Even if I told you that we should be going home by now, you wouldn't even listen right?" Brian replied.

"Well... if you would go with us, I'll go home with you right away." She shrugged playfully.

"Sigh... Guess I've got no choice," Brian ruffled his hair slightly. That lovely, soft, hair that I wanted to touch so badly. Shit! Get a grip Arya!

I don't want to force Brian into being with me if it's so awkward with him. I guess it's my cue to leave now.

"Uhm Cristie, I should probably -

"Stay..." Brian gaze at my eyes intensely.

I was surprised.

"That's right! Please go with us to the horror house, please, please, please?" Cristie tugged the hem of my shirt and batted her eyelashes.


"Shut up you scared cat! Let's go!" Cristie marched off and we followed without saying anything more.


Arya was quiet. Yep, she's definitely feeling awkward right now. Actually, I am too. I'm really feeling embarrassed and confused. She's walking near me but at the same time she feels so distant.

I missed her funny face, her retorts, her laugh and her laugh. Damn! Is this what would happen if we remain strangers? I don't like it. I don't like it at all.


When we reached the horror house, we found a long line of people outside. Some even began to take notice and look at Brian.

He was currently holding Cristie's hand. I felt self-conscious and decided to walk slowly behind them since I could feel others staring at me with daggers.

All of a sudden, I remembered what Jadey said; "So the rumors were true after all?" It made me wonder, what kind of rumors has exactly spread around the campus about Brian and me?

My thoughts were interrupted by the cry of the man who appears to be the advertiser of the horror house.

"Hear ye! Hear ye! Come and experience a thrilling and horrific adventure!" I glanced up at the entrance of this horrific house. It was filled with demons and bloody images.

I've never been much afraid of ghosts or scary things but there was something about this place that creeps me out.

I instantly felt doubtful about coming in, but Cristie's excited face fixed up the decision for me. She really helped me a lot today. I owe her big time, but I couldn't help but wonder, what are the adventures waiting for us inside?

Part One: My Other Half  [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now