T H I R T Y - F I V E

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Dedicated to: faridayasmeen56 thanks for supporting this story. Hope you like it :D



"Do you like her?"

"Cristie! What the heck! We're playing a game here!" I scowled as Cristie walked in my room and stood at the middle of my TV Screen. Her face had that determined expression and her hands were on his waist. All the guys were in my room since its game night and they were like, staring at the both of us.

"No! That game could wait! I want an answer now! Do you like her or not?"

"L-Like? Who?" I tried to not look into my sister's probing eyes and tried to get back to my game but she just walked towards the plug section and unplug all the wires.

"Awwww c'mon! Brian!!!!" All of the guys said in unison.

"Oh, shut up you guys! It's the moment of truth! Answer me you big oaf! Do you like Arya or not?" She raised her eyebrows.

"Is that the freshman chick??" Jao interrupted.

"Shh! don't interrupt!" Everyone hissed at him then got back on staring at me.

I gulped. Once again, I'm in the hot seat. But then again, there's no use denying something obvious right?

I couldn't help but glance at the ceiling.

"Uhm....I...Uh, m-might?" I stuttered.

"Might what?" Jao again said. Anton gave him the "Will-you-just-shut-up-look."

I gave out a huge sigh.

"Fine, fine shit! I'm in love with a freshman! To heck with age gaps!" I uttered, my cheeks felt damn hot.

"Woah!!! The Heartthrob has spoken!"

"Good. Finally you manned up brother, then it's time for the next step!" Cristie grinned while pulling some kind of whiteboard that had some wheels on it.

All of us stared at my sister, dumbstruck.

"Hey Brian, are you sure no spirit has went in to your 7 year old sister? I know an exorcist!" Jao spoke again.

"Is she really a 7-year old kid?" Anton said, mouth hanging open.

"What are you talking about Cristie?" I asked rather confused.

"It's time for Operation M.H.M" Cristie grinned wide.

"What's M.H.M?!" All of the guys spoke in unison.

"Operation MAKE.HER.MINE you dummies! What's the use of liking each other if they don't end up together right?" Cristie arched her brow.

"Oh! Now we get it! So what's the plan?" All of them spoke again. Then they huddled in closer to my sister. I couldn't help but face-slap.

I don't think Arya will like where this conversation is going.

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(Introduce New student + Jadey tattling about missing them. Chapter ends with Brian and his friends seducing the teacher to make way for them to promote in Arya's room. Arya heats up chapter ends with Brian seeing new student and saying "What the heck is that Bastard doing here?" in his mind.

Part One: My Other Half  [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now