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I sat on the comfortable swivel chair and rest my head.

My eyes transfixed at the fireplace. A wineglass at hand.

I can't help but be irritated at Christian's reaction earlier. How dare he refuse me? His own mother? My eyes glued on a frame at the wall.

It was Henry, Brian's father. Now that I think about it, Brian grew up just like his dad. They had the same features, beautiful brown eyes, black hair. And the stubbornness comes a lot from his side of the family too.

I miss Henry...a lot.

But then again, you really can't turn back time now can you?

Henry is dead. And it just so happens that I was too late.

But now, I can't let that happen to Brian. He has a bright future ahead for him in London and I'll do everything just to make him stay there.

My thoughts went back to reality when I heard two sharp knocks at the door.

"Come in..." I replied.

A man in a huge coat entered. He wore a small hat and glasses to hide his features. It was the private detective I hired to spy on Brian.

I hate that I have to hire the likes of this man to get to know my son better but what choice do I have?

Ever since I left, he doesn't consider me as a mother anymore and I have to learn of my son's weakness to change his mind about college.

I don't care what people think, I just want what's best for my son.

"Any news?"

He just gave me a huge folder and I spread out the contents into the table. Out came pictures of my son, with some documents.

I somewhat have a crash course on my son's life, his friends and other stuff about him.

I learned that he was a member of the basketball team, I learned about his friend's names, and their family background too. I learned that Prince was also enrolled in his school.

Talk about dumb-luck.

Then finally, the last and most recent picture was taken just tonight. Brian was wearing his formal attire, the one he wore a while ago, and in his arms was a girl. A girl I haven't recognize and seen in the other pictures.

I don't know but anger swelled within me. I don't like it when some simpleton hooks up with my son! What if she takes advantage of him? He's the future Bayton heir after all! One day he'll become duke too! He's meant for princesses and elite women! Not some commoner!

"Who's this?" I pointed at the wretched girl at the picture.

"I believe she's your son's recent interest. I heard rumors around their school that your son snagged up some gal."

My intuition was right.

I could see Brian's smile in the picture. The way he looks into this girl is just like the way Henry used to look at me before.

"Any more orders madam?"

"I want you to find out everything about this girl, her profile, her family background, where she lives. Don't live out a single detail."

The investigator nodded then slowly retreated towards the door.

I clutched the picture and stared at the witch who caught my son's heart.

I finally managed to find my son's weakness after all, it won't be long now before he finally agrees to my plans.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


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