F O U R T Y - F I V E

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"Hey, did you manage to type the introduction part already?"

"Yeah, how about you? How's the summary going?"

"If you're not finish yet, just send it to me guys. It's getting a bit late already. It's time for us to pack up." Our leader said.

We were currently in the library doing our mini thesis. One of my groupmates gave out a sigh of relief. I couldn't blame her. We've been working over this project for a few hours now ever since we got dismissed from our last class. I don't know why, but ever since we became sophomores things just got busier.

I started picking up my things, we were the only group left on the library so we decided to call it a day. Our group started walking out towards the door, I followed, I was about to make a turn when someone grabbed my arm.


"Prince, what is it?" I stopped from my tracks and faced him.

Yep, and I don't know if it's a coincidence or what but Prince and I are often in the same group for our projects.

"I-I was wondering..." He hesitated.


"A-Are you free tomorrow afternoon?"

I thought about it. "Yes, why?"

"C-Could you accompany me?"


"T-There's an audition for the clubs tomorrow and there's this club that I thi-think interests me."

I frowned. "But aren't you old enough to go to the audition yourself?"

"SILLY! O-OF COURSE I-I KNOW THAT!!" He reddened then looked away on some other direction. "B-But a-aren't f-friends t-there to support y-you if you want to enter a c-competition or something?" He mumbled.

I couldn't help but smile. So he wants me there to support him huh

"Oh well, I don't have anything to do tomorrow anyway. Hmm...okay." I grinned.

"R-Really?!" He gave me a smile.

"Yes, but on one condition!" I stared at him.


"You'll going to have to treat me to a dessert." I chuckled.

Prince rolled his eyes. "You really are a pig."

"Shut up, do you want me to accompany you or not?" I frowned.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah whatever!"

++ - ++ - ++ - ++ - ++ -

It was already getting dark when we managed to come out in the library there were only a few students about the corridors.

"Hey, where are you heading to?"


"I might give you a lift since I'm feeling nice today." Prince pouted but still he was staring at another direction. I chuckled. It's as if he was not use to being nice to me at all.

"Thanks, but someone's going to pick me up today."

"Oh, I see."


I looked around, some two girls were staring at us.

"SHUT UP! SHE'LL HEAR YOU!" The other girl scolded the girl who talked first.

Part One: My Other Half  [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now