Chapter 2: it seems only yesterday that you first met!

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Song-Ryan Dolan start again.

Hermione's P.O.V

Everyone was talking amongst themself  and now and then looked around.

But they didn't really see.

This wasn't the castle we walked into 9 years again on our first year.

This wasn't the same place that we first met and got housed.

And this certainly wasn't the place we all thought as home.

This was a castle! Rebuilt to look like one that we all once knew and loved.

But this! This would never be home.

But yet if you looked carefully this could trick even the smartest witch and wizards.

Everything was in the place it once was, students seems to be the same.

The Ravenclaw's table is felled like it once was.

As were Hufflepuff, Slytherin and Gryffindor.

But there was some great lives and faces who was no here, some who are missed.

Some I wish were here at this moment, every moment in fact.

"Mione are you okay? You haven't really spoke" George spoke gently touching my shoulder.

I looked at him but all I saw was Fred, I felt tears blur my vision and slowly cleared my throat.

"I think I just need to go for a walk" I grabbed my books and brought them to my chest.

"Do you want any company?" Luna asked making everyone look at me worriedly, other then Ron he just stuffed he's face. 

Which made me laugh a little at least the war didn't change everyone.

But-It did change me.

"I think I'm going to walk alone, I'll see you guys soon" as I walked I felt someone watching me and I looked over to see who.

And no one was there.

I slowly walked up the state case when suddenly it moved.

Of course! They could have sorted this out I mean-

God I sound like a muggle more then who I used to be.

The stare case stopped and pointed to this door so me being me I walked towards it.

It opened its self, I stopped for a second before walking in.

It was dark so I kept walking until I felt a presents behind me, I turned around quickly and suddenly a fire was lit and there stood the man I never thought I'd see again.

"Professor Dumbledore" I said trying to hold back tears.

"Now now Hermione I thought I told you at the beginning of the year to call me Albus" he said making me smile.

"But sir your-"

"Dead? Oh yes but at the same time no" he said making me laugh.

I sighed and sat down on the couch near the fire.

No I didn't know where I was and no I didn't care.

"My dear what is bothering my smart hermione?"

"This isn't home sir this isn't the same! So many lives were lost in this war so many battles. Yes we won but yet why do I feel like we've lost! How can we come back here and pretend to be okay? That everything is fine. How can we stare at each other knowing that we was facing death? How can we forget the scars and move on? And how can we forget and forgive those who coursed this all?!!" I cried.

I left a hand on my shoulder.

"It feels as if it was just yesterday that everyone walked through my door, it seems like it was just yesterday that you walked through my doors hermione and what was it you said? I read-"

"I read about this in Hogwarts of history" I said weakly.

"You was such a smart witch, you still are but perhaps a lot stronger. This war has changed many people miss granger maybe some without even knowing" he said sitting down.

Why do I feel like I know who he's talking about.

"Wars and battles are meant to be both lost and won but the only real battle is not with the world but is within you. You are fight every single day through life and constantly fighting with yourself, why not let yourself lose for once?"

"Because that would be giving up"

"And do you think the people who dead for us would want you to give up"

"No sir"

"We all choice the scars we live with miss granger but maybe some are given to us to teach us something, you may have some scars but maybe someone out there has many more. You can try hiding the scars my dear but it will only hide the truth. Each scar may look ugly but it's peruse is very much beautiful. They stand for survival! Something everyone does but sometime doesn't live to tell the tale"

I look at him but he's looking into the fire.

"Everything happens for a reason, but as pink once said the need to be right come with much to higher cost" he's choice in words made me laugh.

"You know pink"

"How I'm down with the muggle kids" he chuckles.

After a couple minutes of silent a he decides to break it.

"Those who have been lost hermione knew what they was dying for and still fought! They died Heros. The ones who are living and have scars shows everyone that there is more fight in them that they could never imagine and they will live on as Heros."

He looked at me and down at my arm that I always close to me.

"Each scar, cut or mark leaves you with a choice. What label you want to take! What title. You are not the only one with a mark Hermione and you will not be the last"

"Draco" I whispered.

"Maybe evil did exist but maybe just maybe they need to be shown the light. There is a whole world out there miss granger and there will be battles round every corner and every turn. Some rougher then other but all that matters and always remember this is where you are going. Forget where you've come from or what you've been through just look for the light and maybe just maybe you can take someone with you. Maybe you both need each other without even knowing it"

He stood up and looked at the clock then smiled at me "time to go"

"Will I ever see you again professor?!" I stood up and faced him.

"I am always around Hermione all you have to do is look and if you can not see all you need do is ask" he smiled.

"Thank you sir" I suddenly blurted out.

All he did was keep smiling as he faded.

"Remember Hermione it's our choices who show us who we truly are, far more then our abilities" then he was gone.

Hogwarts wasn't as it used to be.

But maybe just maybe it can be better.

And maybe we can start again, new friendships can be made and new memory's.

Maybe we just need to let go of the ghosts of our pasts.


Not much dramione action but I like this chapter, it give a message and I think it gives it loud and clear.

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Dramione-4-life xx

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