Chapter 9: Behind the mask

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Bonnie's P.O.V.~
After that fiasco, I grabbed my Pre-Algebra book out of my locker. It doesn't really seem like anybody likes me here, except Foxy. But, just one friend wasn't bad, right?
I shut my locker and turned around to Foxy.
"So how long until school starts?" I asked him.
"Probably in about a half an hour, lass. We came to school pretty early, I think." he replied to me, holding his own English book in his arms.
We started to walk down the halls together, unaware of a girl watching us from the shadows. I didn't notice her until after she got shoved to the ground by someone. Foxy and I ran over to her as people started laughing at us.
"Are you ok?" I asked her, my robotic voice not really bothering me that much anymore.
The girl looked up at me. I couldn't tell what she looked like, since she was wearing a mask. The mask was very beautiful. She was wearing all black.
"I-I'm fine. T-thank you." she replied.
"Your welcome. The name's Bonnie! Nice to meet you!" I stuck out my hand for her to grab, and she gladly took it and stood up.
"I'm Ma-oh my!" She covered her mouth. I laughed.
"It's ok. I have one too. And so does he." I said, pointing to Foxy, who waved at us.
"Ok'm Marionette, but most people call me Mari." she said before she closed her mouth tight. Yeah! She probably hasn't ever used that part of her voice before, either. But that just leads me to this question...
How many more of us are there?
I didn't even have to answer my own question, because right then, two girls walked up to the bullies and screamed at the top of their lungs,
(Cliffhanger...sort of. I'm so evil, but I think you can guess who the girls are, right?)

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