Chapter 26: Lying Bonnie Foo-Foo

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Bonnie's P.O.V.~
The National Weather Service has issued a severe blizzard warning from 5 pm today till 3 am tomorrow. Make sure to charge your generators, as freezing of power lines may occur.

Great. Just what we needed. A blizzard. Of course it has to happen the exact day we were going to return the plushie that Mari "stole" from the old, abandoned pizzeria.

I zipped up my winter coat, grabbed my backpack, and marched in my snow boots all the way to school.

The entire day was kind of a blur to me, until we all met outside after school to discuss what was going to happen.

"So," started Chica. "Did you hear about the weather warning they issued this morning?"

A chorus of "yes" replied. We better make this quick, then.

We all started to walk down the street towards the pizzeria, but then I stopped. I could feel a bunch of people ricochet into me, until I heard someone go flop, into the snow.

I turned around and sighed. Gosh darn it, Freddie! I laughed a little, then I turned around to face everybody.

"Shouldn't we tell our parents where we are going?" I asked.

Freddie stood up and managed to brush off any remaining snow off of her pants.

"I'm pretty sure none of our parents would let us go if we told them where exactly we were going."

My eyes widened. "Well, why not?!" I asked, surprised.

She walked up to me and smacked her hands onto my shoulders. Ow!

"Because," she began. "If your daughter told you that she and a group of her friends were going to an old, abandoned pizzeria to return a stolen object, right before a blizzard is supposed to hit, what would your response be?"

"I would've stopped her somewhere in the middle there and said something like, 'absolutely not!'"

"Exactly!" She said as she slowly let go of my shoulders, lowering her hands to her sides.

"Well then, what the heck am I supposed to do then?! Not go?!"

"Oh, you're going alright," Freddie stated as she crossed her arms.

I was completely lost. What exactly does she want me to-

Then I saw it. The corner of her mouth slowly stretching into that evil smirk that she makes when she means trouble.

I shivered. I always hated it when she did that. I made her look like Satan.

But, I think I know she wanted me to do...


"No!" I said. "I am not doing that!"

"You have to, Bons. It's the only way."

We were close to my house now, in fact, just on the edge of the perimeter.

"It's simple, really," Freddie said compassionately. "I've done it tons of times."

"Yeah! I bet!"

I really wasn't feeling good about this. I have never, ever lied to my mother.

As I walked up to my house, I heard a bunch of rustling behind me. When I turned around, I saw that my friends were all hiding in my mothers' shrubbery. Did they really have to be that cautious?

I took a deep breath and grabbed the door knob of my front door. Turning it, I entered my house to hear my mother humming to herself in the kitchen.

"Hi sweetie!" I heard her say. "How was School?"

I took a deep breath, put on my best fake smile, and peaked my head inside of the kitchen doorway.

"It was great mom! Thanks for asking!"

There was a moment of silence.

"Hey mom? I was just wondering...can I go over to Mari's house for a bit?" I asked. I could feel a bead of sweat forming on my forehead.

"What for?" She picked up a knife from the knife block and brought it down hard onto whatever she was preparing for dinner. I flinched and gulped hard, picturing that whatever she just cut was my head off of my shoulders.

"We have a big science project due on Polyhedrons!" That was partially true. But it was Foxy who was my partner, not Mari. Mari and I aren't even in the same science class.

"I don't see why not," she replied as she continued to chop away at a variety of vegetables. "Just don't forget your inhaler, okay? I just refilled it this morning. It's on the table." She pointed behind her at the small, white paper bag on the dining room table.

I walked over to the refrigerator, grabbed a carrot, and chomped aggressively into it. I hate myself so much right now!

"Thanks mom! I really appreciate it!"

I ran into the dining room, opened the bag, dumped the inhaler into my hand, and shoved it into my pocket.

I was about to exit the house when I felt my mom grab my shoulder. I tensed up. I could feel her breath on my ear, making it quiver.

"Since there is a blizzard coming, if you are unable to make it home, then stay at Mari's. It's safer that way." I heard her unzip my backpack and shove some stuff in there. Then, she tucked my sleeping bag underneath my arm. "Just let me know what's going on so that I don't have to worry, okay?"

"Okay mom," I said, turning my head to give her a smile. I opened the front door all the way and marched towards the sidewalk.

When I knew she wasn't looking anymore, I started to look through the shrubbery for my friend's. But, I couldn't find them anywhere.

Suddenly, I felt hands slam down hand on both of my shoulders. Ouch!

"Freddie, seriously," I said plainly. She just shrugged and gave me a goofy smile. She then proceeded to grab my arm and haul me down the street to where everybody else was waiting.

I can't get this knot out of my stomach. It felt awful lying to my mom...but at the same felt...kind of good...

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