Chapter 5: Goldie

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Goldie: Someone who really stands out amongst a pack of mediocres.
6:45 am. The song "Just Gold" came on the radio, but Goldie refused to wake up. He took his pillow and plopped it over his head, trying to muffle the sound. 2 minutes later, his mother came into the room. She sighed. "Goldie, you have to go to school." Goldie refused to answer her. He didn't want to go to school. School is where people are. And people means talking to others. He didn't want to do that. His mother sighed again. She grabbed his ankles and tried to pull him out of bed, but Goldie was smart. He grabbed the headboard of his bed and held on for dear life. After trying for 2 whole minutes to get Goldie up, his mother just gave up and went downstairs. Goldie tried to fall back asleep, but he heard whispers downstairs, and a few moments later, he heard tiny little feet running down the hall. He thought that maybe she had just forgotten something. He heard the door open to her room. Then, he heard her run back down the stairs. (Or at least that's what he thought) Then it was quiet. He closed his eyes, mumbling to himself, "Finally! Peace and q-"FRTTTT!!! His little sister had tip-toed into his bedroom when his eyes were closed, snuck up to where he was sleeping, and set a foghorn off right next to his ear! Goldie's eyes bolted open. Now he was wide awake. He gave her the "If-you-aren't-out-of-my-room-in-two-seconds-I'm-gonna-strangle-you" look of death. He screamed, "SPRING! YOU LITTLE TWERP! GET OUT OF MY ROOM!" He leapt out of bed, but Spring was already giggling down the stairs. He slammed the door shut. "Why does she have to be so annoying?" he asked himself as he headed towards his closet to change for the day. He picked out a yellow t-shirt and some sweatpants. He wasn't very caring about what he wore, just as long as it was something. He picked up a comb and brushed his thick, blonde, matted down hair. Then, he picked up his blue top hat, which belonged to his dad, Golden Fazbear, Class of 1987, and put it on. He flopped down the stairs, gave her sister an evil look, grabbed a piece of toast, and walked out the door. He felt like this was going to be a terrible day.

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