Chapter 20: Flash to the past(in Science class)

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Bonnie's P.O.V.~
Foxy and I dashed inside the classroom only 2 seconds before the bell rang, and we sat in the first 2 desks that were closest to the door.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, so I quickly fished it out to see who it was. It was Freddie.

Freddie: Heyo, Bons! How's it going? :)

I rolled my eyes. Isn't she supposed to be listening to the teacher in her class right now? Whichever class that may be? Texting in class is against the rules. Should I risk it, though?!

I looked around the room. No teacher in sight. I let out the breath that I wasn't even aware I was holding in, and text her back, starting up a short conversation until the teacher arrives.

Me: It's going gr8! Yeah, totally not half dead rn. XD

Freddie: Lol. Say, what class are you in rn?

Me: Physical Science. Why?

Freddie: Oh, no reason. ;) I had that 3rd hour, so you won't be seeing me in that class this hour.

Me: Darn! What class DO you have this hour?

Freddie: Eh, you'll find out eventually!

Me: Should I be scared?

Freddie: No...

Me: ???

Freddie: It depends, really. Do you get scared easily?

I paused, my fingers hovering over my phones' tiny touch screen keyboard. That's when I realized something that, at least I think, I've never noticed before.

Scared? I barely even remember having the capability to get scared, well, at least, not for quite a while now. The only time I've ever been scared was when I was about 3 years old. The memory is faint and weak, but still clear enough to remember the important bits and pieces.

(Flashback brought to you by the Tardis)

I was sitting on my bedroom floor, which looked a whole lot more playful and child-like than it does now, playing with small, wooden building blocks. Someone else was playing with me, a girl, with her hair cut short. Every other one of her physical features were blurred and pixelated, making her unidentifiable, even if I remembered her, which I didn't.

The word "Friend" came to mind, though. My friend! My only friend as a child. We were having fun together.

I could hear voices coming from downstairs. Male voices, but only 2 of them. The names "Daddy" & "Daddy's best friend" came to mind. I could only hear a fraction of their conversation.

"...Bonnie's night vision...not developing..."

"There's a way...tried it...worked immediately..."

"...don't want to...lose her trust..."

"The only way..."


All of a sudden, the lights went out. My friend and I yelped and held onto each other for dear life. I couldn't see a thing.

Then came the music. It was happy and cheerful, but at the same time, creepy. It started out soft at first, but quickly became louder and louder as it came closer.

My friend started to hum along with the tune. I had thought that she was possessed, so I let go of her, dashed under my bed, and smashed my bunny ears onto the sides of my head, blocking out all sound.

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