Chapter 19: I'm confused, Señora

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Bonnie's P.O.V.~
"Ok! Almost 2 hours left of the first day of High School, Bonnie! You can do this," I said to myself as I walked into my next class. I was met with a wave of heat. Holy carrots! Who decided to turn the heater on full blast? It's only September, and it's boiling in here!

I heard someone shout from across the room, "BONS! OVER HERE!!"

It was Chica. Of course it was Chica! XD Who else would it be?! Santa?!

I walked over to where she was sitting, and I was going to sit behind her, but that's when I realized that someone else had already taken that seat.

"Aye, lass! How ye been?! Ye can sit next to me!" Foxy said happily, patting the seat next to him. I could feel my face heat up as I sat down. "Seriously, Bonnie?! You literally just met him, like, not even 7 hours ago! Get yourself together!" I told myself.

"I've been doing great, Foxy!" I replied back politely. "The first day of school is almost over, so that's good!" I turned in my seat slightly to face Chica. She looked so happy.

"I don't know about you, but I'm ready to PAR-TAY!!" she stated. "Mangle told me that Freddie hosts the best parties EVER! I'm so excited!" I was starting to question Chica's energy level, because at this point, honestly, it looks like it won't be going down anytime soon.

Finally, the teacher entered the room, looking just as energetic as Chica was. I think my brain stopped functioning after I heard what she said to us.

(WARNING! Some upcoming sentences may appear as complete gibberish to people who only know the English language. You're brain will become soup and come pouring out of your ears, because you will NOT get a translation. You'll just have to be as confused as I was when I first learned Spanish. Google translate is not 100% reliable, so you may just end up being stuck with a bowl of soup as a snack. :) Also, I may not even spell some of these sentences right so just FYI if that ever happens...Thank back to the story.)

"¡Hola, clasè! ¡Sientense en el pupitres correctos!" said the teacher. I shrunk back in my seat, eyes wide and head spinning.

"What? Huh? Uhhh, Me no speak Spanish, ma'am! In fact, I don't think anybody in this entire room speaks Spanish, other than you! I'm lost!" my thoughts shouted.

I looked around the room at everybody else, and they all wore the exact same expression that I was wearing, which was complete and utter confusion.

"Me llamo es Señora Roosevelt!" the teacher said, only slower this time, and with hand motions to help us understand what she was saying. She pointed to herself. "Señora Roosevelt," she said again. I was starting to understand her a little bit better, but not a lot.

She told us about herself, thankfully in English, and handed out our syllabuses, which were mostly in English.

Before I knew it, the bell rang. Class dismissed. I started to gather my stuff as quickly as possible, so that I could get out of this sauna of a room! Not that I hated it or anything.

I placed my hands on my cheeks. They were as hot as the room itself! I took a deep breath, exhaled, and picked up my books.

Suddenly, I felt a cold hand touch my cheek. I grabbed the mystery persons arm and slowly turned around. I burst out laughing when I saw who it was.

Foxy had the goofiest grin plastered on his face, and his cheeks looked they could use some ice.

"Uh, ye ok lass?" Foxy asked me suspiciously, attempting to take his hand off my face. I wouldn't let him, though.

"Why do you say that?!" I asked him in between gulps of laughter.

"Well, ye have big, red, splotches all over yer face, and yer really hot!" he said, still attempting to remove his hand from my face. This time, I let him.

"What do you mean by hot?!" I asked suspiciously, raising an eyebrow. I smirked as I saw his face light up like a Christmas tree.

"I-I meant yer warm, um, temperature wise, uh, duh!" He said 'duh!' very sassily and threw his arms up above his head like he was flipping an invisible table over.

"Suuuuure!" I giggled as I walked past him and out into the nice, cool hallway. I sighed. What a relief!

I could hear Foxy shuffle up next to me and he followed me to my last class of the day.

Then, it's party time!

(Reason for delay in chapter: I was really sick. I'm sorry!!! I'm gonna get my friend to nag on me to finish my chapters before the deadline, which will be that I update once every other week.

Hope you still enjoy this book! See ya later! Don't be shy to leave a vote and/or comment!


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