Chapter 24: The Broken Promise

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Bonnie's P.O.V.~
We all stared in wonder as Mari opened her eyes. She had the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen. Well, mostly because they were different from everybody else's.

Her right eye was totally normal. It was a blueish-grey color. Then there was her left eye. Now, normally, an eye's cornea is white, with the iris being some other color, and then the pupil is black. HER left eye's cornea was black, not white, with no iris, and no pupil. Instead, there was a white, creamy colored cloud where the pupil should have been. It seriously looked like somebody had placed the Milky Way into her eye.

Chica rushed up to Mari and sniffed her hair. "You smell like apples!" she shrieked excitedly, then gave her a big hug. I could see Mari stiffen a bit. She doesn't normally take or give hugs, so I can assume that it felt weird.

Chica then dove back onto the couch, and stared at Mari with a huge smile on her face. Then there was an awkward silence.

It was Mangle, however, who brought up the question that probably all of us were thinking. "Oh my! Hun, what happened to your eye?!"

Mari looked at the ground, almost as if she was ashamed of herself for taking the mask off in the first place.

Mangle must've felt like she had said something wrong, so then she said,"By the way, I think your eyes look absolutely BEAUTIFUL darling! It looks like the galaxy is just SWIMMING in them! Absolutely GORGEOUS!"

Mari lifted her head and was able to muster a tiny smile. "Thank you..." she whispered quietly.

"But please," Mangle continued. "Tell us how you got such beautiful eyes! I'm so jealous!" She placed her hands underneath her chin, and leaned forward, eager to learn the story.

Mari put one hand behind her head nervously, and looked at me for approval.

"Go ahead!" I said, encouraging her. Mari took a deep breath, then began to speak.

"When I was about 6 years old, I suffered from a tragedy, in my eye, called retinal detachment. Basically what that is, is when the last layer of your eye snaps off from your brain."

Freddie raised her hand, almost like she was in school. "Yes Freddie?" Mari asked. "Isn't that the part of your eye that controls your sight?"(Duh, Freddie, it's an eyeball XD)

"Yes," Mari said. "I am blind in my left eye." This hit everybody in the room like a pound of bricks. Everyone was shocked.

"So, you can't see anymore?" Chica asked.

"No, no," Mari giggled. "I can see, just not out of my left eye."

"But what made your eye look so...different?" I asked her, being careful not to say anything that would offend her.

"Well," she said, "When I first started going blind in my left eye, the color was still the same as my other eye, it was blue, not the black, horror-type look that it has today, but because of all of the multiple surgeries I've had on it over the years, it left a big scar in my eye, resulting to the big, cloud that you see today."

"Well I think it's beautiful just the way it is," Mangle beamed. "Blind or not, you're still beautiful!"

Mari smiled really big. I think that's the biggest she's ever smiled. But it didn't last long. She frowned when she saw Chica staring at her present with a look of curiosity on her face.

"Mari," she said curiously. "Where exactly did you get this again?"

"Umm..." she paused. "I said before that I couldn't exactly remember the name, but..."

Chica marched over to the other side of the room, came back with a big, old phone book, and dropped it on the coffee table with a loud bang! I flinched.

"Or...I could just look in there..." Mari responded slowly as she picked up the phone book and started flipping through its pages. For a few minutes, there was nothing but the sound of pages turning. Then she stopped, her hand laying on a certain page in the "F"s section.

"Here it is! It's the same address," she said, setting the book down. "Ok, so it was this restaurant, a big old restaurant, it's been empty for years, probably falling apart," she slammed her hand down on the page, right above the name she was looking for. "Freddy Fazbear's Pizza!"

She looked around the room, and I swear you could hear crickets. "'s near the edge of town, you must've seen it at least once in your life!"

Confused looks were on everybody's faces. Except Freddie's. She looked like she had just seen a ghost.

"F-Freddy Fazbear's P-Pizza?" she said shakily.

" should know, Freddie, you-"

"Stop talking, please!" she shouted. She realized what she did, and shrunk in her seat. "I'm's just..." She took off her top hat and held it in her hands. "My Dad used to own that place..." She looked at Goldie. "You're Dad must've been the Assistant Manager."

"After he died, it was shut down, for reasons that I can't remember. I remember going there once for my birthday when I was very mom and I got free admission, and my dad showed us was so colorful."

"Most of the prizes that you could win from arcade games were left there, in a storage closet. That must've been where you found that." She pointed at Chica's plushie. "They weren't supposed to leave the building, you know, you THIEF!" she shouted the last part, and Mari took a step back, now frightened of the once calm girl.

"I didn't mean to Freddie! You told me to take something! Anything! And that was the only thing I could find!" Mari shrieked.

"Well you have to take it back! You can't just take something that isn't yours!" Freddie screamed.

"What!?" Chica wailed as she clutched onto her plushie for dear life.

Mari's face turned deep red. Uh oh! I covered my ears.

"NOOOOOOOO!!!!!" she shrieked at the top of her lungs. I swear I just heard a glass break. "THERE IS NO WAY THAT YOU ARE MAKING ME GO BACK TO THAT PLACE!! ALONE!!!" She was near tears. "YOU PROMISED THAT I WOULD NEVER HAVE TO GO BACK!" Hot tears streamed down her face. "And now you're just breaking your promise?"

Freddie realized what she had just done, and she walked up to Mari and wrapped her arms around her, saying "I'm sorry", over and over again as Mari sobbed into her shoulder.

"You won't have to go alone..." she said.

"What do you mean?" Mari hiccuped.

"I'm going with you!" Freddie demanded.

Chica stood up. "So am I!"

Then Goldie, then Mangle, then Foxy, and then me. "We're coming too!" I commanded.

"You guys don't have too..."

"Of course we do, hun!" Mangle said. "We are your friends, and friends don't just let their friends face their fears alone!"

Mari smiled. "Come here, you guys!" We all rushed in for a group hug. We stayed like that for a long time. Then, we finally separated.

"Ok..." Freddie said, now cheered up. "After school tomorrow, we will take it back, and forget that this ever happened, ok?"

A chorus of "Okay"s rang out.

Sounded like a simple enough task. Little did I know, that forgetting that day, won't be as easy.



I know it's been a while! But being a Junior is no easy task! I'm supposed to be doing college Animal Science right now, actually. Oops! XD

I'm REALLY tempted to start writing the sister location book now instead of later, but I'm afraid it will contain massive spoilers of the game, and of the next 3 books after this one. Soooo...

Opinions? XD

In the next chapter, they're return date for the plush toy will have to be pushed back about a week or so, due to a unfortunate accident...hehehehe...

I'll give you a hint...sharks....

See ya later!


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