Chapter 28: Shhhh...

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You don't know what the definition of a long chapter is until you finish reading this! Over 3000 words, yo!
Bonnie's P.O.V.~

My eyes flashed open. Did I fall asleep and dream again? And in the bathroom, of all places!

I sat up into a sitting position on the cold, bathroom floor. How the heck did I get here?! I contemplated going to use the restroom, then suddenly waking up here. Did I hit my head on something without knowing it?

I took my phone out of my pocket and looked at the time. It was 12:20 a.m. So, I haven't been out for that long. Only for a few minutes.

I stood up and checked myself out in the mirror. No red bump or anything? Strange...

I walked out of the bathroom, half expecting Foxy to grab me and ask what took so long, but surprisingly, he wasn't there. In fact, when I walked out into the main dining area, no one was there! Everything was left just the way it was when I left the room, though.

I smirked. They were probably trying to pull a prank on me. I walked into the room, sat down in my little makeshift cubby, and waited.

15 minutes passed before I started to get worried. What if they tried to walk home?! What if they left me here?!

I hugged my legs into my chest and started to hum quietly to myself. The eerie feeling in the room didn't make this situation any better.

I checked my phone. It was 1:00 a.m. Seriously?! I've been sitting here for that long already?!

I was worried, but I couldn't panic. If I was to panic, I might have an asthma attack.

Another hour passed...almost all of my food was gone, and I was extremely dehydrated. I was coughing up a storm, due to the dust trapped inside the room.

This reminded me of what it was like before I went to school. Alone, and afraid. The dark was my only companion.

I placed my head on my knees, and sighed. I was so tired...

I could feel my eyelids getting heavy, and I was trying my best to keep them open.

"Just go to sleep," I told myself. "Someone'll wake me up..."

I shut my eyes, breathing in deeply. I didn't even have them shut for a full minute when-


My eyes bolted open. I whipped my head back so quickly that I smashed the back of it against the corner of a table.

I winced, biting down on my bottom lip, trying to keep myself from crying out in pain. Unfortunately, a little whimper was able to escape my tightly sealed lips.

I felt the back of my head for any damage. Blood. Great! Just what I needed at a time like this! A head wound!

The one thing that my mom didn't put in my "survival pack", was a first aid kit. Then again, she thought that I was going to a friend's house, not here.

That reminds me...I needed to text my mom to tell her what's up. If anything, I had to keep that promise for sure. And yes, I know, I obviously have to lie to her...again.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket to text her when all of a sudden...


I flinched and almost dropped my phone. I looked around the room, but nobody was there.


The sound had come from my right, so I turned my head towards the hallway with the restrooms. As I peered into the darkness, the outline of a figure began to form. It had fox ears and one glowing, yellow eye.

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