Chapter 15: Fastest in the class

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(It's finally in someone else's P.O.V. for once!!!!)
Foxy's P.O.V.~
4th hour Phy. Ed.
Mr. Schmidt

I could already tell that I was going to love this class, and it hasn't even started yet. I was the first one there, so I just stood around and waited for everyone else to show up.

As people began entering the gym, I began to hum to myself. "Da-da dum dum dum, da dum dum dum, da-da dum dum do diddle dum."

I closed my eyes and started to walk around the gym, listening to the song I've come to know, since my father sang it to me when I was just a wee lad. I remember falling asleep to the tune many times, before he disappeared when I was only 5 years old. After that, I never seemed to get a fair amount of sleep. It's like-

My thoughts were interrupted by someone running into me at full speed, which caused me to stumble back and fall to the ground. When I opened my eyes and saw that that person was Bonnie, I quickly hopped back on my feet.

"Aye! Lass! We've gots to stop running into each other like this! Are ye alright?" I asked her worriedly. I could see that she was wincing in pain, which only made me feel worse about the situation.

She opened her eyes and looked up at me. "Yeah...I'm fine Foxy," she replied from her spot on the floor. I offered her a hand, and she gladly took it, standing herself back up again.

She looked around the room in wonder. I don't think either of us have been in a room this big before, or this tall, in that matter.

"HOLY CARROTS!!! THIS ROOM IS HUGE!!!" she shouted to nobody in particular. Her voice seemed to bounce off the walls and come back to us. She gasped and covered her mouth. "OMG!! IT ECHOS, TOO!!!" she shouted again.

I laughed at her discovery. "I KNOW! ISN'T IT AWESOME!!??" I shouted at the gym. She turned to me and laughed. Her laugh was just, so bubbly and full of happiness and life.

Then, out of nowhere, a whistle blew. "TWEEEEET"!!!! We jumped so high, I swear we touched the ceiling. We clung to each other like there was no tomorrow, but finally let go and sprinted over to where the noise was coming from.

"Hello, students! My name is Mr.Schmidt! Welcome to Physical Education, also know as Phy. Ed.! Now, we are going to go out to the football field and run some laps, just to see how much you're capable of. Let's go!" shouted the gym teacher, as he started to jog out of the school.

We all followed quickly after him, and we were soon standing on the edge of a football field. "GO!!" he shouted, and everybody took off down the field.

Bonnie and I took off after them a short while after. After about 2 minutes of running, I looked over at a very tired looking lass. "Do ye mind if I run ahead? I still have a ton of energy left in me!" I asked Bonnie.

She looked over at me. "Fine by me. I'm about ready to collapse. You keep going," she replied in between breathes. Her cheeks were beet red and she looked like she was ready to pass out. I gave her a worried glanced, but she gave me a reassuring smile in return.

"Go on! I'll be all right," she panted. I nodded and took off, running almost 100 mph. I ran about 10 more laps before Mr. Schmidt finally called us back to where we started.

I looked around at all of students, confused. Where is Bonnie? I got me answer when one of the students gasped and shouted,"LOOK! OVER THERE! I THINK SOMEONE PASSED OUT!" I turned me head to the other end of the football field, and darted towards the limp Bonnie on the ground. She wasn't passed out, but she was wheezing really heavily.

"Move out of the way!" a female voice shouted from behind me. I moved out of the way just in time to see a lassie with blonde hair and a red t-shirt dash forward. She searched Bonnie's pockets until she found what she was looking for, which was an inhaler.

She stuck the inhaler into Bonnie's mouth, pushed down on the button so that the medicine started to flow, and Bonnie quickly jolted up with a start.

"What the heck happened?!" she gasped as she saw everybody surrounding her. Her eyes got all wide. "PLEASE tell me that nobody kissed me!" Everybody started laughing at her little remark, but I was sad. I wanted to kiss her- wait what?!

Bonnie stood up, thanked the blonde lassie, and walked away. I ran up to her, interested about what had happened. "So you're just going to walk away like nothing happened?" I asked the still bug eyed lass. She nodded. Just then, the bell rang. Class dismissed.

I pulled my schedule out of my pocket, and she did the same. I heard her gasp as she stared at the sheet of paper in her hand, and she quickly glanced at mine, too. She grabbed my hand and hauled me away, screaming, "I'VE BEEN WAITING ALL DAY FOR THIS CLASS!!" She hauled me to her locker, grabbed her red guitar, and hauled me down another hallway.

"W-where are we going, lass?" I asked her. She shoved her schedule into my face. I could see why she was so excited, and I'll admit it, I'm excited, too. I should've been able to guess by now, where exactly we were heading.

The schedule read:
5th hour
Band Class
w/Mrs. Baltimore

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