Chapter 25: SHARK BAIT!!!

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The following chapter will contain bad language, and very descriptive details and information on a very certain subject in a woman's life!


Bonnie's P.O.V.
The date is December 9th, 2015. A.k.a. Probably one of the worst days of my life.

It all started early in the morning, around 7 A.M. The sun was just barely peeking over the horizon. I shut off my alarm clock, sat up in bed, yawned, and stretched, you know, typical wake-yourself-up routine.

I was just about to get out of bed, when all of a sudden *bam* a jolt of pain hit me at full force in the stomach, almost like someone had just punched me.

I fell backwards back into bed, and started huddling in the fetus position. I thought that it would go away in a few minutes, so I just sat there and waited.

*bam* another jolt of pain. *bam* And another. *bam* And another. These jolts of pain came and went in quick, painful pulses, and they wouldn't stop.

It should be physically impossible for me to be sick. Since I am part robot, every single one of my internal organs is about 3 times stronger than the average human being.

I've never had a fever, headache, the flu, a cold, or any kind of pain. Well, except for that one time when I hit my shoulder against the door frame, but that was a long time ago.

Anyways, that pain was nothing compared to this. I was near tears. What the heck is happening to me?!

By this time, I had been sitting in bed for about 15 minutes. I couldn't take it anymore.

"Mom?!" I croaked out, my throat as dry as a desert. No answer. "Mom?!" She better not have left for work already!

"Mom!?" I tried again, this time a little louder.

"Yes sweetie?" I heard her answer from downstairs. Thank goodness! "Are you almost ready for school? I made you breakfast!" She shouted from the kitchen.

"No..." I croaked, attempting to get out of bed. Maybe I was just hungry.

I heard her walk out of the kitchen, to the bottom of the stairs. "Is something wrong, honey?!" I could hear the concern in her voice.

"I can't move..." I cried out as I finally was able to roll out myself out of bed and onto the floor with a loud *thud*.

I could hear my mom practically gallop up the stairs, run down the hallway, and throw open my bedroom door. She saw me laying on the floor next to my bed a few seconds later, and immediately rushed to my side.

"Are you ok?! Where does it hurt?! Do you need help?!" she asked me frantically. She helped me stand up, put one arm around my shoulder, and helped me to bathroom.

I was in there for about 15 minutes.

When my mom knocked on and opened the door, I was staring directly in front of me, terrified.

"Everything ok?"

"Mom?" I asked, slowly turning my head to face her. "Why am I bleeding?"

I saw her eyes get really big. "Oh boy..."

-----30 minutes later-------

After my mom had given me some painkillers, put fresh sheets on my bed, a lavender air freshener, a cold glass of water, a heating pad, some clean pajamas, and a quick 5 minute lesson about puberty in girls, she ran downstairs to make 2 phone calls. One of them was to my school, saying that I wouldn't be at school today and the reason why, and the other one was to her workplace, saying that she wouldn't be coming into work today so that she could stay home and take care of me.

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