Chapter 18: BEST. TEACHER. EVER!!

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I'd like to dedicate this next chapter to the most inspirational teacher ever. Thank you, Mrs. Larson, for being the best you can be!
Bonnie's P.O.V.~
Ok. Now there's a voice in my head that isn't mine. Just great! It's the first day of High School and I'm already starting to go insane! Just peachy!

I marched into my 6th hour English 9 class like a storm trooper and sat near the back. I wasn't really in the mood for anything this teacher could say or do, I just wanted to have some peace and qu-

"GOOD AFTERNOON ENGLISH 9!!" shouted a very energetic, blonde haired woman as she sauntered into the room. I jumped. Welp! So much for peace...and quiet.

I could already tell that she was different from most teachers, since she had the expression that said, 'I'm ready for World War 3', instead of the, 'Great! More immature teenagers. Just what I needed! Can I go home now?' type of expression.

I placed my hands on my lap, and waited for her to continue talking.

"Before we get started, and I hand out all of the syllabuses, I just want to point out that I love scented oils, so if you ever enter my room and it smells like oils, kind of like what it smells like right now," she shrugged her shoulders. "Well, don't ask! Because I just told you why!"

I took a deep breath, smelling the air, and wrinkled my nose. It had a strong scent of peppermint to it. I sniffed again. Surprisingly, it smelled really good! I could get used to this!

"For those of you who don't know, my name is Mrs. Larson!" she beamed as she began to hand out the syllabuses. "Now, if everything goes well, I'm sure that this year will be a great one, for both you, and for me! You will be required to create a book report for each quarter, which will end up being a big part of your grade! We'll talk about that some other day. As of right now, we'll be learning some basic vocabulary, pronunciations, and reading in our workbooks!"

That's when I noticed that there was a paperback workbook on my desk. I opened it up, wrote my name on the inside, and waited for further instructions or stories.

She told us about her summer, and about what else we'd be doing this year for English, like reading "Romeo & Juliet," a play written by William Shakespeare.

Before I knew it, the bell rang, dismissing us. I didn't want to leave! This class looked like it was going to be so much fun.

But, I guess I had to. After all, I didn't want to be late to my next class.

I said goodbye to Mrs.Larson, then walked just across the hall to my next class. Little did I know, that this next class was going to be the runner up when it comes to my "favorite class".


I'm sorry that I haven't exactly updated this in a while! I'm just really stressed right now, and haven't been able to find the time to write. On top of that, I have writers block!

Hurray!! :(

Ugh! I've GOT to stop procrastinating on this story! So, I need your, the readers, help.

How often do you want me to update this book? So, instead of putting it off for long periods of time, and thinking that I have all the time in the world, I'll have a decent idea of when I should get each chapter done and published.

Your choices are:

A. Once every other week

B. Once every month

C. Your(the readers) choice

So, yeah! Hope to get this story back on track! And with your guys' help, it definitely will!

See ya later!


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