Chapter 10: A Diva and an Artist

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Bonnie's P.O.V.~
What...the heck...just happened? One moment I was helping someone who was being bullied, and then the next, 2 girls are yelling at the bullies for harassing us! 0_0 That is practically my face right now, I swear. The bullies seemed to back away a bit when they heard them yelling, so the girls proceeded to shout at them.
"WELL?! WHAT THE HECK ARE DOING JUST STANDING AROUND HERE FOR?! GO AWAY AND BOTHER SOMEBODY ELSE!" They shouted at them again. This time, the bullies ran away down the hallway. The girls turned around and started walking towards us. One of the girls' hair was pink with a pink bow in it, and had on a pink sweatshirt and pink leggings. Just a guess, but I think she likes the color pink. The other girl had blonde hair, and was wearing a black and yellow shirt that had the words "Let's Eat", on it in big white letters, paint splattered jeans, and orange flats. Marionette quickly dashed behind me to hide.
"Please don't hurt me," she said kind of shyly. The one with pink hair smiled.
"Don't worry, I won't hurt you. I don't bite." she said, smiling.
The girl with blonde hair coughed,"*cough* much *cough*." The one who was speaking before whipped her head around and gave the girl behind her a look, and she immediately sprung her hands up in front of her.
"I'm sorry! I surrender! It had to be done!" she said quickly. (That would be like me in that kind of situation. XD) The one in front turned her head back around and smiled again.
"Sorry about that. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Mangle. And that chick back there is Chica. She keeps telling me that I'm a diva, but I find that pretty hard to believe." she said. Chica poked her head out from behind her and mouthed to us, "She is!" Mangle's smile faded.
"Chica, you do know that I have eyes on the back of my head and can see everything that you are doing?!" Mangle said directly to a rather surprised Chica.
"Sorry!" Chica said in defense.
Mangle continued,"And since she calls me that, I call her an artist."
"I am not!"
"Says the girl who almost stepped in one of her paintings this morning while getting out of bed, and has drawings and paintings hung up all over her bedroom walls instead of posters of boy bands and hot guys and other things, but INSTEAD has a secret stash of drawings of Zac Effron underneath her bed in a box that have the words 'ZAC IS BAE' written on every single one." said Mangle with a smile making a reappearance on her face.
Chica's face was as red as a tomato with embarrassment.
"H-HOW DID YOU FIND MY SECRET STASH!?" she shouted at her friend. Mangle had an evil smile on her face, and was now tapping her fingers together very evil like.
"You don't hide things very well, Chica. And find a different color box to hide them in, because just to let you know, a hot pink box is very visible, my friend." Mangle said, the evil look disappearing from her face.
"Oh..." Chica replied.
"And you are?" Mangle asked me. I was surprised that I was being allowed to speak.
"Oh! I'm Bonnie! This guy here is Foxy, and the girl behind me is Marionette. Nice to meet you both." I said, smiling. Mangle was sort of surprised.
"Oh! You have one too?!" she asked.
"Yes! I do! And so do they," I answered, motioning to Foxy and Marionette.
"So, Mangle, you've been a little bit more around the school than we have, do you think you can maybe give us a tour?" I asked.
Mangle smiled, but Chica spoke, "Sure! We've been around the entire school already! We'd love to show you around!" She beamed.
Mangle finished her sentence for her, "Follow us!"

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