Chapter 11: F is for Fazbear

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Bonnie's P.O.V.~
Right away, we started the tour. I was near the front of the pack with Mangle. The tour itself was pretty basic. There were classrooms, restrooms, cafeteria, teachers lounge, students lounge, storage closet, and of course, hallways. But, probably the most interesting part of it all, was when we got to the last part of the school: The gymnasium! I figured out for the first time that our school colors were black and blue.
"So, that pretty much concludes our tour. Any questions?" Mangle asked as she turned around to face everybody. Everybody shook their heads. There was a long silence. Suddenly, the silence was broken by someone shouting, "LOOK OUT!" and the next thing I knew, I was sprawled out on the floor, with the girl that just came out of no where, on top of me.
"Can't...breathe..." I gasped, and she quickly got off.
"I'm sorry! I'm very clumsy! It seems the floor is very slippery!" she said, looking around frantically. "Ah! There it is!" She ran over to a black top hat that was lying on the floor. She quickly picked it up and placed it back on her head. Then, she walked back over to us, smiling. She had brown hair, and was wearing a brown t-shirt that read, "Let's Sing" in big black letters on the front, and blue jeans. She was also wearing a black bowtie.
"Sorry, again, about that. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Freddie Fazbear. (Her name is spelled with an "ie" because she's a girl, not a boy) Who are you?" she asked, adjusting her bowtie.
"My name is Bonnie, and this is-"
"The name be Foxy, lass!"
"I'm Marionette...hi..."
Hi, Freddie! I'm Chica! You smell like cake!" (Chica is the new Pinkie Pie! XD)
"Hi, hun! I'm Mangle! I really like your hat! Where'd you get it?"
"'s my dad's hat. I promised him that I would wear it on the first day of school," Freddie said as she took it off her head and gave it to Mangle so that she could observe it better.
"I don't know about you, but I absolutely LOVE vintage stuff! This hat was made in 1945!" Mangle squealed as she handed the hat back to Freddie.
"Yeah, it's a family heirloom. My grandpa wore it, my dad wore it, and now I'm wearing it. This hat has seen it all," she said as she put the hat back on her head. I was about to ask her another question, but just then, I heard a bell ring. We all jumped; Mangle jumped into Foxy's arms. When she realized what she did, she quickly got out of his arms and walked back over to Chica, blushing all the way.
"What was that!?" Marionette asked.
"First bell! When it rings, that means that we have 5 minutes to make it to our first class of the day. There is the 3 minute bell, and then the final bell. If you aren't in class and sitting down by the final bell, you will be counted as tardy. If you get too many tardy's, you'll get detention. By the way, what's your first class? I wanna see if any of us have 1st hour together," Freddie said. I quickly took a look at my schedule.
First hour: Pre-Algebra with Mrs. Weihe. (Btw, Mrs. Weihe was my actual Pre-Algebra teacher last year for 9th grade. She was nice. And yes, I took pre-algebra! I'm taking algebra 1 this year. So yeah! Now you heard the story of my life. Continuing on, now.)
"I have Pre-Algebra!" I said.
"Lass, I seem to have English...but I already know English..."
"Um...I have Social Studies..."
"I have Physical Science!"
"And I have English!"
Freddie smiled.
"Bonnie! We'll be in first hour together! Yay!" Freddie beamed. Just then, the 3 minute bell rang. We all jumped again.
"We better hurry and run to our first class, or we are going to be late!" shrieked Chica as she ran out of the gym, as everybody else followed her and then we all split up into different directions. Freddie and I dashed to our lockers, grabbed our stuff, then ran to the Pre-Algebra room. When we got there, there was a sign on the board that read, "Sit anywhere!", so Freddie and I sat next to each other in the second to last row in the back. As soon as we sat down, the final bell rang. The teacher stood at the front of the class with a smile.
"Good morning class! Before we get comfy and I hand out the syllabuses for you guys, let me first take attendance." She grabbed her clipboard and started taking roll.
"Kevin Anderson?"
"Anthony Bradford?"
Then she got to me.
"Bonnie Bunny?" Here it goes...I swallowed, then spoke.
"Here!" I covered my mouth, but it was too late. Everyone was already staring at me and snickering. The teacher just shrugged it off, like nothing happened.
"Ok...Annie Crawford?"
"Christina Dunham?"
A couple more names passed before she got to my friend.
"Freddie Fazbear?"
"Here!" she replied happily. Wow! She didn't even care if people were staring at her. The teacher went on.
"Goldie Fazbear?"
Wait! There's another Fazbear in this school? Why didn't Freddie tell me about it? I looked to her for an explanation, but she was just as surprised and confused as I was. The teacher looked around. No response.
"No Goldie?"
Just then, the door swung open, and in walked a boy with a blue top hat, golden hair, and was wearing a yellow t-shirt and sweatpants. He walked up to the teacher and handed her a piece of paper. Then, he walked back and sat right behind Freddie. The teacher read the piece of paper and smiled.
"Well, students, it appears we have 3 new students in our class today, and I'm pretty sure you've noticed by now. Bonnie Bunny, Freddie Fazbear, and Goldie Fazbear. Why don't you stand up and say something about yourselves!?" she asked politely. Oh, for the love of carrots! You can't be serious!  But she was! I accepted my fate right there...I am doomed as a student at Oakland High School.

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