Chapter 12: Shy Guy

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Bonnie's P.O.V.~
I elbowed Freddie, and gave her a look that said that she should go first. She gladly took the offer and stood up.
"Hello! My name is Freddie Fazbear! My dad is the CEO of Fazbear Entertainment! I recently enrolled here at MCW after being homeschooled for about 8 years," she said happily, sitting back down.
People stared at her for quite a while, until Mrs.Weihe broke the silence.
"Freddie you happen to be the daughter of Fred Fazbear?" she asked. Freddie's smile faded.
"Yeah," she replied, looking rather sad. Mrs.Weihe gave her a sympathetic smile.
"You're little Freddie! Wow! I haven't seen you since-"
"Ever since his funeral...yeah..." Freddie sniffed, looking down at her desk, and I could see her blinking back tears.
Mrs.Weihe looked back at the other 2 new people, which were Goldie and I. I looked back at the guy. He had his hat tipped down in front of his face. Strange...he must be kind of shy, since he's all the way in the back and has his hat tipped down. I looked back at the teacher.
"I don't want to make anyone else feel uncomfortable right now, so I'll just skip you 2. Is that ok?" I shook my head up and down so violently, I thought my eyes were rolling around cartoon-like in my head. (That would be funny to watch XD) I mean, after I did that, I was really dizzy. Goldie just tipped his hat.
"Not much of a talker, huh? Well...then again, I didn't exactly talk, either. I just made a complete fool of myself. Oh crap! I made a fool of myself! Well, there goes my reputation! Then again, I never really seemed to have one, since I've gotten here, anyway," I kept thinking to myself. The teacher finished up the roll call, and then handed out our syllabuses, which were green.
"As you may all know," the teacher began. "My name is Mrs. Weihe, as in the letter 'Y'. I can be very strict about my name pronunciation! I know that it looks like my name is pronounced 'Mrs. Wee-hee', but I swear, if any of you call me that, I'm going to have to drown you in the sink." This resulted in laughter echoing around the room.
The rest of the hour was just her talking about what she did this summer, and then she asked what did this summer. She skipped us new kids, though. When the last kid finished saying what they did this summer, the bell rang. Everybody jumped at the sound, because it's still something everybody needs to get used to.
"My, has time passed! Well class, I guess I'll see you all tomorrow! Don't forget to bring in your signed syllabus to me tomorrow for credit. Have a wonderful rest of your day!" Mrs. Weihe told us with a smile.
Everybody charged for the door, but Freddie and I waited for the way to be clear before we started heading towards the door.
As soon as we were outside of the classroom, I trapped Freddie right next to the doorframe.
"Are you ok?" I asked sympathetically.
"Yeah. I'm over it by now," she sniffed, holding back her tears. Poor girl! I put a hand on her shoulder.
"If it makes you feel any better, I don't have a dad either."
"Yeah! He disappeared a few years after I was born. Went to work, and he never came home."
"My dad went missing too, but when I was 7 years old," I heard a voice say. I turn around, to find Goldie standing only a few feet away. He walked right past me and stood right next to Freddie.
"You're not the only one who's lost someone close to you," he said, taking off his hat. "This hat belonged to my dad, too. He gave it to me for Christmas when I was 2." He placed the hat back on his head. Freddie still looked sad, though, and I could see that Goldie could also see this. That's when he did the most astonishing thing ever, something that I thought I would never see a shy guy do in my entire life.
He put down his books, extended his arms, and gave Freddie a great big hug. I could see her stiffen as soon as he did that, her face was red as a tomato. She had stopped crying, and was now smiling. She quickly gave me her books, and wrapped her arms around him, too. They were both smiling like goofballs and blushing like crazy.
That's when a firecracker went off in my head. About 3 billion thoughts were going through my head all at once.
"Could it be? Is it? No! It can't be! But it is! OMG! They love each other! It's a match made in heaven!"
I started jumping up and down really fast, which is what happens when I get really, REALLY excited, so I kind of looked like a cell phone that was getting too many notifications all at once, and might just explode at any minute. Freddie gave me a weird look.
"Uh...Bonnie? Are you ok?" She asked me. The only thing I could respond was, "I'm fine! I'm just really happy! Well, I've get to get to my next class now. See ya two later!" I skipped down the hall with this big smile on my face. I decided right then and there, that it would be my ultimate mission to get those 2 together, no matter what happened!
But hey! We're humanoid hybrids going to a human school.

What could happen?!

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