Chapter 30: Reunited

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~a few minutes earlier~

Scarlet's P.O.V.~
"Foxy! Calm down!"

"No! I will not calm down!!"

I was blocking the door to the West hall. He had tried to leave to help Bonnie, but I had refused, sending him into a fit of rage, loud enough for anybody, or anything, nearby to hear.

"How dare ye tell me to calm down when the lass is out there suffocating!!" Foxy shouted, gritting his teeth together.

"If you go out there, we'll all die!! Two of them are right outside the door!!!" I shouted in return.

"So is she!!" Foxy growled. "And she needs her medicine!!"

I could hear Chica starting to cry in the corner, and I watched as Freddie quickly slid over there to comfort her, along with Mangle. Goldie had taken my place with looking through the cameras, and Mari was just rocking back and forth whispering to herself.

"She's a goner!!" I continued to argue. "I tried to give her a chance, but she messed up!"

"Why you little-" Foxy growled at me and raised his hand high above his head in a tight fist. I grabbed his wrist before he could get it anywhere near my head. A look of surprise came across his face as he looked straight into my now stone cold eyes.

As I began to tighten my grip on his wrist, I watched as his expression changed from being surprised to being in pain. "Ow! Ow! Ow!" he screeched as I could hear the creaking of his metal endoskeleton getting louder and louder as my grip became like a boa constrictor's.

"I'm sorry! I'll listen to ye! Just please let go of me before ye break something in me arm!!" he cried. As I gave him a final death glare, I let go of his wrist and gave him a shove that caused him to fly into the East hall door with a bang!

"Now I better not see you rush over to that door again, you got that?!" I asked sternly. He nodded his head up and down as he mumbled, "Yes, Lady Hercules" under his breath while clutching his wrist.

I turned my attention away from him, and walked over to Goldie. "Anything change, Goldilocks?" I watched his ears lower at the sound of the little nickname I made for him.

"...don't call me that," he mumbled as he continued to flip through the cameras.

"Sorry, Goldie," I snapped. I'm still keeping it, though.

"Anyways, the bunny hasn't stopped hovering over Bonnie, the fox is still laying on the ground near the end of the hall, I haven't seen the bear in a while, and the duck is still in the kitchen-"

"That's a chicken, not a duck!" cried Chica. "Just like me. I'm a chicken!"

"Whatever..." Goldie flipped through the monitors again. "Found the bear. He's in the dining hall."

"That's great!" I sighed. "Which one?"

I watched his shoulders tense up. He turned around to face me.

"I thought there was only one bear..." he started to shake in his chair.

"Oh, no, there's 2 bears. One is brown, and the other is yellow!"

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