Chapter 29: The Truth

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Bonnie's P.O.V.
I sat up in my bed. I was no longer lying on the cold floors of that abandoned restaurant. I was at home, and I could breathe normally.

I looked around to find that I was back in my old bedroom again, and I was only a little girl. But, something about all of this felt...different than the last time I experienced this kind of flashback. Something about the atmosphere just


I heard my mother screaming from downstairs. I jumped out of bed and ran to the window. There were 2 police cars sitting right in front of my house. What were they doing here?!

I ran to my bedroom door and tugged at the handle. It was locked. I tugged again and again, the screams of my mother growing more and more frantic by the second. Nothing happened.

I began to pound on the door. "Mommy?! Daddy?!" I cried out, hoping that one of them would hear me. My cries for help were quickly drowned out by my mothers overpowering screams. She was scared! I had to help her!

I ran back to the window. 2 police officers were struggling to get someone to one of the cars, but he kept fighting back.


What were they doing to him?! He hasn't done anything wrong!

I started to pound on the window. "Dad! Dad! Daddy!!"

Again, nobody heard me, and nobody came.

The glass began to slowly web and crack every time my tiny fist hit the window. With one final crack at the window, the glass shattered into a million pieces, drawing the attention of the other 2 police officers standing by the other car.

I climbed out of the window and inched my way over to my parents' bedroom window.

"There she is! She's on the roof!" I heard one of them say.

I opened the window this time, and climbed inside. I ran to the door and swung it open. I ran down the stairs and jumped out the front door before my mother could grab me.

"Bonnie Mae!! Get back here!!" I heard her cry out to me. I pretended that I couldn't hear her. I just kept on running, straight to the officers that were dragging my dad away.

"Leave him alone!" I screeched as I jumped onto the one on the left. I wrapped my little arms around his neck and bit into his shoulder. He screamed bloody murder as he let go of my dad and fell to the ground.

I watched as the other 2 police officers ran over to help. One grabbed my dad's left arm, and the other one pulled out his radio.

"This is Schmidt requesting backup! The little girl is hostile! I repeat, the little girl is hostile!"

I stared up at "Schmidt" with a cold look in my eyes. He shivered. I knew that more of them were coming.

I watched as he slowly started to reach for something that was in his back pocket, keeping his eyes on me the entire time.

"Bonnie Mae! Please! Listen to mommy!" My mother begged. "Come back to me! Mommy can't lose you, too!"

I started to back up a few steps, refusing to take my eyes off of "Schmidt". Then, I turned around to look at my mom. Her eyes were red, and her face was tear stained from crying so much. Just seeing her like that made tears start to come to my eyes.

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