Chapter 21: Party time!!

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Bonnie's P.O.V.~
"Welcome to my humble home!" Freddie said as she bowed and swung the white picked fence gate open in front of her house.

We all quickly filed into her front yard, then she shut the gate behind us. She motioned for us to follow her.

As I took in my surroundings, I soon realized that her yard looked very beautiful. There was a white picked archway, which stretched over the sidewalk that led from the front gate to the front door. There were also 2 oak trees, one on either side of her yard, that were just about to start showing their change in color.

Freddie opened the door, welcoming us all inside.

"Just a quick heads up," she said before any of us entered the house. "I have a little sister. She can be really annoying and clingy, so if she ever does anything to make you feel uncomfortable, then please let me know, and I'll talk to her."

"Ok," we all said in unison. We all filed in through the door, and entered the living room on the left. Once we were all sitting down, I heard movement coming from down the hallway. A few seconds later, Freddie peaked around the corner, then walked into the room carrying a large pitcher of water.

"My mom told me only to use this for special occasions, but she ain't here right now, so she can't exactly tell me if it is or isn't needed today, because I think that it should be used!" she stated as she set the water pitcher down on the low table in the middle of the group of furniture.

Once she ran back to and from the kitchen to get cups, she sat down on the couch next to me. Everybody grabbed a cup, poured themselves some water, and started sipping their beverages rather loudly.

After a few minutes of awkward drinking noises, Freddie set down her drink and said, "Soooo," until she had everybody's attention. "I guess we aren't used to being around a whole lot of people just yet, but hear me out. I think that we should maybe tell each other our names again, and maybe say something about ourselves that nobody else, in this room, knows about you yet."

"I love this idea! I vote yes!" Chica squealed and shot her hand up in the air.

"Ok then, Chica! Since you are so eager, why don't you go first?" Freddie giggled.

Chica set her drink down and stood up. After she looked around the room, she took a deep breath, let it out, and said, "Hello! My name is Clementine Rose Cobbler, but you can call me Chica. Everybody also calls our family the Chicken family, since we can get scared easily, and often run away from the first signs of danger...umm..." she paused, trying to think of something else to say.

"I live with my Aunt in a 2 story house near the center of town. Mangle lives only about a block away from father left my mother before I was born, and my mother disappeared when I was only 2 years old. I barely even remember her. After that, I just ended up calling my Aunt, "mom", so that I wouldn't forget that someone was still there, to help me grow up to be a 'young lady' someday."

Chica slowly sat down. Mangle shed a tear. I mean, that was DEEP! It made me cherish the mother that I still have.

After Chica calmed down a bit, Mangle stood up. "I guess I'll go next," she said.

"Hello! My name is Marilyn Sue Monroe, but you can call me Mangle. I have a little brother named Ethan, but I just call him Endo, because he follows me around everywhere, almost like he's physically attached to me. People call me Mangle because no matter what I do, I can't keep my hair not looking like some sort of cotton candy mess. Well, without the help of this girl, that is," she said as she motioned to Chica.

"Chica and I met on Instagram about 2 years ago, and have been best friends ever since. We usually skype called to talk, since we couldn't exactly leave our houses at all until today. I still have both a father and a mother, but my father is a truck driver, so I don't really get to see him that much." Mangle finished up and sat down.

Mangle's story was a bit more uplifting than Chica's, but that made me think about how lonely Chica was over the years with no parents or siblings to keep her company over the years, just an aunt.

Goldie was the next one to stand up. "Hey! I'm Goldie Walter Fazbear. It's a family name, so nothing special. I have a little sister named Spring, who's only 2 years younger than me." He yawned. "Sorry, I'm often very tired, and my mom often has to literally drag me out of bed every single day, otherwise I'd probably go into hibernation." Freddie giggled a bit, but quickly ducked her head down with embarrassment.

"My dad disappeared when I was about 2 years old. All I have that was his is this," he said as he tapped on his hat, and sat back down.

I decided to go next, so I stood up. "Hello! My name is Bonnie Louise Bunny! I live in a 3 story house with only my mom about 2 streets down from this one. My dad disappeared sometime during my early childhood, and have been isolated in my house until today." I say back down, not able to think of anything else to say.

Foxy stood up. "Hey! Me name be Daniel Steven Dunham, but most folks just call me Foxy! I live with me mother and me older brother in a 2 story house only one street down from this one. I slide down the stair railing when I'm excited, like this morning, but often injure myself in some way while doing so. Me dad disappeared when I was just a wee lad, so I don't remember much about him, but that's fine, I guess. I'm perfectly happy with the parent that I do have!" He announced, and sat back down.

Freddie stood up next. "Hello! My name is Freddie Marie Fazbear! I have a little sister, Susan-"

"Have I been summoned?!" A high pitched voice squealed from the entrance of the room. Freddie's teeth clenched together.

"No! Susan! What did mom say about bothering me when I have company over!? Leave! Go to your room!" She screeched. Susan yelped and dashed up the stairs.

"Anyways," Freddie said with a very frustrated look on her face. "I live with her and my mom here in this lovely establishment! My father disappeared sometime before Susan was born, but I can't remember much about him. Only he owned this thing when he was in High School," she said while poking her hat, and she sat back down.

Last, but not least, Mari stood up. " name is Marion Ruth Peterson...but uh...I guess you can call me Mari...umm...I wear a mask wherever I go...even though I don't go out much...I have a little brother named Mario...he's 2 years old...but he's also mute...he hasn't said anything in his entire life...I also still have both of my parents...and they live in the same house as me...I see them every single" She quickly sat back down.


Not much happened after that. We ended up chit-chatting for a few more hours until it was time to go. As I said goodbye to Freddie and to everybody else, I couldn't help but think that our parents' disappearances were somehow connected. But how?

Little did I know, was that it all of this, was going to get even weirder.



The next chapter is gonna take place a little bit before Halloween, when Mari enters an old, abandoned restaurant to look for "treats" or gifts to give to her friends, but instead finds something else...;)


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