Chapter 16: Music from the heart

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Bonnie's P.O.V.~
I dragged Foxy down to the band room, where I could already hear many different instruments warming up. My head was scream "AHHHHHH!!!" the entire time we were walking.

Once we got inside the band room, I let go of Foxy's hand, while looking around the room for any of my friends. Sure enough, all of them were huddled together in the corner, just talking, with their instruments on their laps.

I marched on over there with my guitar slung over my shoulder, and sat down next to Freddie, who squealed and gave me a big hug.

She finally let go of me and grabbed her clarinet, which was on the floor. She put the reed up to her mouth, and started playing "Crazy Train". Mangle immediately followed suit, on her Bari. Saxophone.

Then, Goldie on his trumpet.
Foxy on his regular saxophone.
Mari on her trombone.
And Chica on her drums.

Then, last but not least, I joined in with my guitar. The entire room seemed to go completely quiet while we were playing. When we finished, it was so quiet, you could hear a pin drop.

Finally, the room exploded with applause. Freddie made this dramatic bow to all of them. I found this really uncomfortable, well, I should be saying, GOLDIE found this really uncomfortable. Why?

When Freddie went to bow, her butt ended up right in his face. His face ended up beet red, and he started to shake. Foxy had to hold him still to get him to stop.

The teacher then entered the room, and we started. The class period lasted for an entire 50 minutes, until she told us to put our instruments away, and go to lunch.

I waited for everybody at the doors, since I didn't need to put it away, just put it in my locker when we went past. As soon as the last person arrived, we all headed down the hallway together. I dropped my guitar off in my locker on the way, almost halfway to the cafeteria.

That's when total chaos hit. It started when we figured out what exactly it was for lunch.

"-someone told me we were having pizza today for lunch" I heard someone say as they walked by. Mangle flinched. Chica went all bug-eyed.

Oh god...




"PIIIIIIIZZZZZZZZZZAAAAA!!!!!" Screeched Chica as she seemed to scoop us all up and make a running dash for the cafeteria.

Welp, this is gonna be fun...

(Sorry if the chapter is short guys! I had a major brain fart! I promise the next one will be longer!)
P.S. Yes, that art is mine! It's all of the characters! Your welcome! XD I decided to give y'all an idea about what each of them looked like.

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