Chapter 4: Freddie

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Freddie: an amazing best friend, who can be trusted with anything. She is cute, nice, strong, smart, and trustworthy. She can always make you smile, even if you're having a terrible day. She's always nice, and will protect the ones she loves.
Siblings! You love them, you hate them, and sometimes you want to severely injure them. On this particular morning, Freddie was thinking of her little sister as the 3rd option. "W-A-K-E U-P! What does that spell? Wake up sleepy head. Time for school!" All though Freddie heard her, she didn't answer her. 2 minutes later, her sister crept up close to her ear, and screamed, "WAKE UP!" Freddie nearly fell out of bed. "You almost made me pee my pants!" "Haha!" she replied. Freddie growled. "I'M GONNA STRANGLE YOU!" "You're gonna have to catch me first." And with that, she ran away. "Pfft! Whatever...not even gonna bother..." Whispered Freddie under her breath. She quickly changed into some comfy, but cute, jeans and a t-shirt that said "Let's Sing!" on the front in black letters. She put on her favorite black bow tie, while brushing her silky, long brown hair. Last, but not least, she walked over to her dresser, and glanced at her fathers' black top hat. She promised him that she would for sure wear it on her first day of school. It was a Fazbear tradition. She picked it up and looked inside. On the inside edge of the hat, it said, "Property of Fred Fazbear, Class of 1987". She sighed and put it on. Without a word to her mother, she rushed down the stairs and out the door, and for no reason whatsoever, she jumped in the air and yelled, "V-I-C-T-O-R-Y! THAT'S OUR FAZBEAR BATTLE CRY!"

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